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CAP. 8. after theyeer 155o. ío67 elders, when they (hall fee Religion not to decay with the age: which alas, we behold to our grief, as if the fulnefl'e ofthe gentils did now approach , every later generation in their degrees fall away from the fans icy oftheir parents. The latter part of the verle teacheth that the fpou,e fhall have a time at length to unlocke her Bore - houles , and as it were in pompe, openly let forth her un- meafurabie riches in the exceeding great abundance of her ci- tizens. Thrifty hou(holders do not fuller all things to be ufed continually and confufedly , but referee tome things for folemn feafts, let apart from dayly tees, which they may bring forth as oc- cafion ferveth for credit and hont fty : So the Church, howfoever the hath oftentimes before declared her felt not poor and needy, but fufficient rich and abundantly adornedwith all dignity, yet (he hula not applied thefe dainty banquets,delicate dilhes and fweet- meates to common and dayly diet , but hash referved them lockt up in (lore for this one folemnity : whereby we may underhand the glory of thole times tobe fuch as the former ages have never teen. CHAP. VIII. yi*. H that thou wereft as my brother that lucked the breafts ofmy mother : I would finde thee Q ` ' without,I would kiffe thee, then they fhould not defpife thee. WM '2 I will lead thee, andbring thee into my **-43/41" mcithers houle : there thou (halt teach me : and I will caufe thee to drink fpiced wine,andnewwine of the pomegranate. 3 His left hand.fballbe under mine head,and his right hand £hail embrace me. 4. I charge you, O daughters ofIerufalem , that you flirre not up,nor waken my love untill the pleafe. S ( Who is this that comcth up out of the wileerreffe, leaning upon her welbeloved ! ) I riled thee up order an apple tree : there thy mother conceived thee : there the conceived that bare thee. 6 Set me as a feal on thyheart, and as a fignct upon thine nnnn,nn arme