Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

toó Tbi Nate of the Cburch CAP.ß. arme: for love is ftrongas death : jealoufie is cruell as the the grave : thecoales thereof are fierie coales, and a vehe- ment flame. 7 Much water cannot quench love,neithercan the floods drown it : if a man (hould give all the fubftance of his houle for love,they would greatly contemne it. S We have a little filter, and the hath no breafts : what (hall we do for our filler when the fhall be fpoken for 9 If the be awall,we will build upon hera liverpalace and if (he be a door , we will keep her in with boards of cedar. a o I am a wall, and my breafts are as towers : then was I in his eyes as one that fkideth peace. i i Salomon had a vine in Baal-hamon: he gave the vineyard unto keepers : every one bringech for the fruit thereof a thoufand pieces of (liver. r a But my vineyard which is mine is beforeme : to thee, O Salomon, appertaineth a thoufandpieces offilver, and two hundred to them that keep the fruit thereof. 13 0 thou that dweleft in the gardens,the companions hearken unto thy voice : caule me to hear it. 14 Oh my welbeloved, flee away, and be like unto the roe, or to the young hart upon the mountainsof fpices. TheRefolution. Hutfarre the preparrnioncf the fecond calling, the calling itfelf followeth , declared by the wonderfull defire of the called, verf. i. 2, By the mutua/I loveof the Bridetreome, vert 3. and his everlaJl- ing continuance, verf. 4: Andfuck is the princeffe the younger filer. The other inferiours Which accompany thùprineeffe are tWo : one LS de- fcribed coming out of thedefert,leaning upon her beloved,andWith Won- .derfull teal , verf. 5, 6.7. the other ù renownedby the great of eïtion of the Sifiers,verf. 8,9. andby her own readineffe,verf 1 o. Andhitherto ®f the Churchesfeverally.lointly, itfheWeth as Well , hoW carefully the BridegroomWill defend the Whole, verf. i i.1 2. andWhat he requiretti mf thcÇWhele, ver% 13. as What the common. defire ofthe [poufs (hall be, namely,