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CAP, 8. after taeyeer to6v namely, that her beloved Wouldfly hence,and thatAl at length might be carriedvvitb him into everlafiing habitacles, vcrf. 14. THE EXPOSITION. Verf. t. 0 that thou Wert as my &,other that fucled the breafts of my mother, When Ifhorsldfinde thee Without, IWould Je thee, yet I _Mould not be de,(pifed. EVery thing now at length fully perfeéted, and all the faithfull Iewes fitted into one body of Chrift, their affection is wor.- derfull,made clear by the Antithefis of Ike former Iewes,with whom Chrift in times pit had to do in the earth, that with wondrous skill, with one and the fame labour, he fetteth forth afwell the at curled hatred of thefe , as the willing and ready love of thofe nevt citizens. The old Iewes dcfpifed and reêufed Chrift coming in the fíerh and {hewing himfelfa brother beet there (hall be nothing better to thofe,nothing that they !hall more deare,then that they may enjoy the favour of his prefence whereby that hórrible wickedne4fe ofde- (piling the Sonof God by their ciders, may be recompenced by their faith and diligence inholy duties : the old Iewes fought only his death, but Rol and followed him not ( teaching in the (freers ) with kiffes, but reproaches. All familiarity with him was accounted for a reproach and blame ; Nicedemau conftrained for fear to feeke private conference withhim by night. Thefe (hail diligently feeke himwherefoeverhe fhould be, and hnding him (hall worfhip him with great reverence. Neither (hall they any whit regard the mocks and skoffesof thewicked:the world (hall then beofanorher fafhion. Thefe later people altogether unlike to thofe their wicked elders Salomon hath molt divinely comprifed in thefe words , afwell the wickedneffe of thofe former in refuting Chriftas, the pietie of thofe later in imbracing him. Verf. 2. IWould lead thee,I Wouldbring thee into mymothers houfe, thou Jhoulde t infirail me : IWould taufe thee to drinkr. of mieed wine, of thefruit ofmy `Pomegranates. He followeth the former Antithefis or oppofition,for he could Bot better expreffe the integrity ofthofe which are to be called, then by oppofing them to fuch as were formerly called,in vain. The old leWs then that Chrift out adores,and defired to drive him outof the Tem- ple and Synagogues : For they which raged fo much againft others which confetfed him fomewhat morefreely;what would they not eo to him himfelf,for whofe caufe they were foviolent againil others Nnnnn.n2 z (Ioi..