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í07Q Theftate ofthe Church CAP. 8. ( leh.9.22.) But thefe people will not only open the gates that the king ofglory may come in, but will lead him through the ftrets, and fèt him higheft in the midit of their affemblies. The fame man- ner of fpeech we met with before,Cap.3.4. which we interpreted of his coming in the fle(h ; otherwife his mothers houle is the Church, as we law in thef r1t Chap.verf, a7. Thou /houldef teachme, Treme- liud referreth ir, to my mother Which teacheth me. The words beare it : but the ee4ntithefii requireth fuch expofition as I have made. The IeWer very much frequented the Temple they boafted them. (elves to be the white fonnes oftheir mother the Church, but of the dottrine of their brother (the man Chrift) there will be great diffe- rence between the old and thefe. They could not abide ro heare Chrift preaching : thefe will hearken to his voyce only, they will draw their dottrine from this only Well, they will preferre them- felves no othermanner of life and falvation but him alone. Laftly, whereas the will give him/peedWine to drinke, thereby he teacheth how far the new people (hall differ from the old in cruelty : They mingled him vin-gar and gall to drink,e, Mat. a7. 34. Thefe (hall tremble at fuch barbarous uvickedneffe, and in ftead of that molt bitter cup (hall invitehim to molt generous wise of Chaft and fer- vent piety. Their excellent fosse and beauty could not be better painted out, then by theoppolte deformity ofthat old and degene- rate Synagogue : the fruit of the Pomegranate may be referred to tome principali men among the IeWes, who shall apply all their au- thority to advance religion, &c. Veri 3. Hu left hand Amidbe under my head, rtdhei râghr hand jhould imbraceme. The love ofthe Bridegroome, which refteth molt pleafantly in the bofome and imbracingof the Church thus fettled he (hall car- ry the Bride in his armes, and (hall keepher fafe and found from all troubles, as before, chap. a. 6. but that the Churchwas neverbe- fore fo well adorned and protefted by the divine power, as in this Taft renovation according to that of Jeremy, Chap. 16. verf. t¢, 1 S. and of E/ay, Chap. 43. verr. S, 6. The exceeding glory of Gods prefence, (hall then obfucre all former memory, how famous or renouned foever, Verf. 4. I charge yee, adaughterroflerufalem, that yee fir trot up, nor awake my love untill he pleafe. This betokeneth the perpetuity of this love and condition, as be- fore by the fame kinde of oath, he alwayec declareth a fettled e(tate of