C A P . 8. after the yeere í55o. 1071 of the Church for tome longcontinuance ; here are no Hartsand Roes of the field to difturb the peace of the Church, as whenThee living among enemies, had neer her (by Gods juft judgement) re- vengers of their revolting ; but now the Ringdome lh .311 beyeeldcd to Chrilf,for this is the time wherein the f one cur out Without hands, e,c. Dan. 2. 34' 44. 45.and 7. 27. For in this Kingdoise all ene- mies (hall be far removed, or rather taken away altogether; ,fo that the Church 'hall for ever hereafter live free from teat cf them. Then all things (hall attaine their own endynd that whole Myftery (Revel. I b.7. and 16. 17. It is finilhed) which was foretold by tht Prophets, for hitherto belongeth their facred C)r.:cles.. Neither doe they furthermention any notable change, till our Lord lhall come from heaven. For this is that tulntlfe, then which nothing can be farther expected on earth, whichfeemeth to be manifefae.d by this removing of all caufes of daubing the Bridegroome hereafter. Let us then leave theChriftian Church of the i ewes molt flourilhing till Chri(f Tranflate his hence into heaven. Verle 5. Who is this that commethupfrom the w;lderneffe, leaning upon her beloved? I raifedthee up under the Appletrce, there . tl..y mo- ther brought theeforth, thereJhe brought thee forth that bare thee. Hitherto hathbeene fpokenof the firlf younger daughter. Ano- ther filler followeth : for by this kinde of inqutrie iv( have twice feene a new arifing.of tome Church tobe (hewed. Andof this is a double [fate declared, thebeginning in this verle, the progrt ffc in the 6. and 7, The name of this Nation which commeth up from the wilderneffe (me feemeth).:may eally be fuppofed out of other places of the Prophets. As. E/ay chap. 59.23, &C. wherein he treat- eel of the calling.of the Afryri.tns and the Egyptians: for thougi many of either Nation were in former times indued with the Pa- ving knowledge ofChrift, yet that fmall number was nothing to this great affembly now fpoken of. Hither belongeth that of Ecck. 47. ), 2. and Ioel cap. 3. 18. See Numb. 25. I. Zachary extenderla the limits of this kingdome from fea to fea, cap. 9. Io. and from the flood to to the end ofthe earth,for thepride ofAffyria,c-c. Zach. a o. 11. Wherefore thisChurch fmall be that whole bordering EaffernRegi- or,, 4'ra6ia, Chaldea, BKbylonia, Affyri.a, and Perfia, and thofe in- molt corners of the Fall. The vtatersfelVing intothefe Reyion.r,is the eourre of the Gofpell wherewith they (hall be watered; leaning up- on her beloved, (heweth her great familiarity with him, as lovers are wont to eatt themfelves into the bofomes of their :Delayed, and 'where-