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CAP. 8. after theyeer 1550. to75 vineyardunto keepers : every one for the fruit thereof Was to bring et thou(and pieces of 'jiver. Vert 12. My vineyard Which is mine is before me : thou ( O Salomon ) muff have a thoufand, and thole that keep thefruit there- of tWo hundred. Hitherto of the new Chriftian Church, as it was diftits gui(hed into divers members, into thé elder, and the three younger fitters, whereofthe firft is a Princefs among the reft. Now follow- eth that which is common afwell on the behalf ofthe Bridegroom as ofthe Bride: that of the Bridegroom ;s .twofold. A care, and a `Pre- cept. The care of the Bridegroom towards the Univerfall Church is excellentlydeclared by a dityimilitude taken fromSalomon : Salomon let out his Vineyard to others, and received a large yeerly revenue from his Farmers : But I ( faith the Bridegroom ) Will take care of my vineyard myfelf. I Willnot hi le itforth. And the fruit which I 'hall receive, will be far larger then Salomons. Much good do it him with his p rohts, I do not envie him. Yet are they not to bee corn pared with mine. Neither is it a new thing for Kings to hire out toothers that which exceedeth their houfhold (tore. Merceru, interpreteth the twelfth verfe as fpoken of the Bride herfelf, like as in the firft Chapter and fixth verfe fhe faith, Shee Was made a keeper of the vines, and fo the might be now againe, except perhaps for ill lucks fake then, the Bridegroom himfelf will hereafter undertake this care(SeeEfay 65.2a23.c.)left the peace ofthe Church fhould afterward bedifturbed by fome filch like negligence. Verf.:: r 3. 0 Thou that dWellefl in the Gardens, the Companions hearken to thy voice : caufeme tohear it. This precept teacheth to whar imploiment the Bride would give her felt for ever:They being fubdued which durft to mutter againft her, and all things Celled in molt calme peace. We have often told you that the precepts of this Song are prophefies of common affaires. The bride is faid to dwell in the Gardens after the fame manner as before, Chap. 4. 12. when by Conftantines Authority fhee was fen- ced by the fafegard of the Civili Law, but in thofe laft times the Magiftrates over all, efpecially in the new colleFted Congregations, fhail bend all their force to defend the Church; herein onely this . ih.; 11 differ from that, becaule the firft garden was clofed with one wall, their whole affaires adminiftred by one mans rule, this, new Garden(as alfd'that reftorcd,Cha. 6. i.)fhall bedivided with many irclofures, for the variety of Prefidents which shall governe in level- rail O000000