CHA. 8 after the yeere 1550. 1077 parture after. Hitherto goeth this divine Poeme, but pointeth not out the fall moment of time. It is fuflïcient thatit fetteth forth thecondition of the laic Church more diftinctly and exaCtly, I fup- pofe,then any other part ofthe holy Scripture. Many large and plea- fant Prophefes do ayme at the calling ofthe loves, but here al:-ncft all fet up their market: but of the other Sifters.coming to the truth by her help, they make a more obscure and generall mention,yet out of this interpretation it may be uuderftood how falle they are, who fet dòwne the end of the world at a certain yeer out of Tome limited 'number in the Scriptures, efpecially ifthey compare this Prophetic ,with the Revelation and Daniel. For that Refurretiton,Dan.1 z. and Rev.2o, t z.Alfo that, It is done, of the feventh Vial!, Rem 16. 17. appertaineth to the calling of the Iews: So that wherewe eect the end of the world, there we finde the beginning ofa new.( ,- ; which is not like to be for a day or a week or a fliort time, The Any gell exprefly aflirmeth ro be far and wide fpread,Rev. 20.5. 6. And giveth it a thoufand yeers after the fir(t Refurreétion of the elder 'lifter. Now feeing the Church of the Iewes (hall begin to flourifh about 400. yeers after that Refurrec`tion, boo. yeers at lean thall be .left wherein fhe ftlall raign here upon the earth: but how long after, he only knoweth, whoknoweth all things. 1 can light upon no mark or token of time that may give even the lean conlecTure ; Daniel faith, after the deftruc`cion ofthe Turkifh Empire, ( which (hall be deftroyed by Converfion of the Lewes) a (pace (hall be given for the reit of the Beafts to live, even for a time, anda time appointed. 13uí this (pace is neither expreffed, neither perhaps (hill the end of the World be joyned with thedeffruE`tìon of the remnant. That there- fore which hath troubledmany, as if that certain limiting of time which off;reth it (elf in the Revelationand elfewhere, fh;uld bring us to the endef all (repreiling or mollifying the words of Chrilf, .4far.13. 32. by interpretation ) may hence be delivered from this fear, for all thoîe accounts end, either in the I ewes Converfion, or if they goc a little farther ( whereof I findeonly two, which I have fpokenof before ) they rather (hew within what time the end (hall not be, then at whit moment it is to be expelled. Wherefore that of(Thrift remaineth without doubr,in the fame meaning as the words do properly fh;.w : The Angell( themfelves know not the very laft 'day. We verily believe thi; day by faith, and have many tokens of its drawing neere, but I fuppole we fail of any account that may bring us to any neere knowledge thereof. If any think I have 0000000 2 opened