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l his Climattericall yeere. 1081 Brightman take it : but DoWnam thinks it meant of the Germane Emperours, whole punifhmentand deffruetion is defcribed , Chap. 17. and 18. verf. 3. and4. In the thirteenthchapter it is Paid that the firft beaft is wounded told healed by a Dragon , before the arifing of the fecond Beaft; which Dragon force fay was Athaulphur that woundedHonorier the Emperour,Ann.414.Others fay Odoacer,who overthrewAuguJfulus the laft Romane C'.efar.Another(viz.D. Forbes, no* a Bithop in Scot- land)faith,it was Theodoricur the Oflrogoth,Ann476.Others Alaricur a Goth that fackt Rowse , Anno 54t. Thefe were all heathen Kings, and therefore accounted among the Dragons , whereof one healed the fit íf Beaft, viz. the Pope. 0,2ere. After this Rome was under the Exarches of Ravenna 197. yeers, which were Chriftians; then under the Lumbards 56. yeer, which at firft were heathen and after Arrians, and had but a part of the Empire. In this time the Vifgothes ruled in Spaine,the Aleins in çuines and Gafcoine, the French men in the rf fidue of France,theVandal's in Africk.e, the Saxons in Britain., the Otrogoths in Mife and Hungarie , the Herulrs and Tnrin&es in Italic and Rome. Only the name of the Empire remained with Zeno in the Eat'. Tranfa- mundur King of the Vandal's in Africk.e banished 220. Bithops Ann.459. About the time was great alteration of States and King- domes; Carolur m. nus overthrowing the clothes andVandal's with Alaricur and the Lumbardr,was by Pope Honorius made Emperour of the Weil, Anno Sol. (Mclantlhon andLanquet ) So from Avillulus to Carolu.c Magnus the Empire was void, 325. yeers,wherein faith Erafmus, Antichrif was to arife.`Do vnam, Napier and Brightman, fay he role when Confiantine removed the Empire ( out of the way) to Confí<antinople; It is true, then the whore conceived the monfter, but {he bore him in her womb 35. veers, before the brought him forth to the fight of, the world, Thef. 2. He that withheld was taken away by C.onfítantine, ( 311 ) when he overthrew Diocle/ian, Maxentius, and Maximinian the laft of thole Dragons : neither is he there Paid prefently to appear or be borne into the world, Chap. i 3. i i . and t a. The fecond Beaft after his rifing, caufeth the earthand them that dwell therein to worfhip the firft Beaft , whole deadly wound was itealed.Thefe were the Emperours:as phocuo,who gave the fitti title of