Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

1 082 The Tope : peftacles, or ofuniverfall-Bifhop to Boniface the third,Bale faith,hewas a Britain firflr named Wenefridus,Anio.6o6.Pepin and Charles the great, who gavegreat revenews to Leo the third.But thefe were of the Raceof the fecond Beaft,and not of the Dragon. About ioo yeerrs after the death ofCharles the Roman Empire came to Otho the firfi German Emperor,Ann. 936. After in 996. the Eel dors of the Empire were ordained, by Pope Gregory the feventeenth and Orho the third. Neither wereBoniface or Leo the fir Beall as fome rake it, for the two Beafl:s were bred and born long before, as hereafter will plainly appear. Thus much fball futfice to difiinguifh between the Dragon,the Beaft, the falfe propher,and the whore, Rev. 20.2. The Dragon calledalto the devil! and Satan is bound for 1000. veers:his firft binding by Conffanrine continued until! Zadok the firf} Emperour of theTurks : which was 1310. This dragon began to breed, Anno 1051. but was not of fall growth umill Ottaman the firf} Emperour, Anno1300. Then theDragon and Satan compaffed the tents of theSaints and the beloved city, z. 20. who were the Chriaians. In this time the Chriftians recovered again Ierufalem, and held tt92. yeers, chap. 11.3. The twowitneffes (lain, and their corpes lying in the fireetsof the great city unburied three dayes and a half, is expounded by Brightman to be the decree of the Councel! ofTrent, thePope and Charles the fifth,dated the eight of April 1546. Calling the fcrip- tures a dead letter, as Pope Innocent had before decreed. And fo the fcriptures were but as a dead corpes, for the fpace of three yeers and a half, (Sleydan) untill the coming of ¿Wiuritiud, and themen of Magdeburg,who made the Paid councell roflie the ninthof No.. vember 1549. This.councell .continued by fits 17 or 18 yeers. The Emperour with the confent of his brother Ferdinando and the Princes ofGermany fulfered the Scriptures again to be read in their mother tongue by a decree at .e4ufburg the feventhof O ober 1555, when the twowitneffes werePet again upon their feet;Cháp...a 1. 13. And then the tenth part of the city is faid to fall, which was Eng- land, Denman(,, Stvetia a<nd a great part of Germany fell then a- way from the Romi(h Religion or fea. Napier takes it tobe meant of the councell of Confiance, which began Anno 1414. Thefe two witneffes are to prophelie i r60dayes clothed in lack- cloth, which are fo many yeers, and then they are to be Plain. Wfier=