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his C)imaETer'callyeere. I o83 Wherefore they muff not begin at Contantines time, as Napier and 73kiphtman fuppofe, but a little after his death at the Councell of Arimtnum c where above 200. good Bifhops oppofed the multi- tude ofthe Arrians.Eanguer faith it was held,Anno 36I.Melanahon 3.62, from thence the 27 of September , it was removed to Scion- tium. Fromwhence ( adding 1260 yeers) it will fall out to be a- bout 162o or 1621. About which time was the loflè and fall f thofe two famous Churches of Bohemia and the Palatinate : or if you will, the great afflictions that fell on the two Churchesof ?ranee and Germany , which caufed a great rejoycing among ?apiffs in all places. But if I might fee them upon their feet again either in Anno 1624 or 25. 1 (hall be confident it was meant of them. Parker who wroteupon the croffe, and died at Frankford, faith (by learned Brightmans leave) that by the Argel pow ring out his viali on the fun , is meant force great affidion to fall upon force Church. And the Angel (hewing Iohn the deffruc`fion of the whore out of the wilderneffe, meaneththat he which ilia!! deftroy Rome, his country muff be tirft made a wildernes, which he faith is force Proteftant or Lutheran State, Chap. 12, 14. The time , times and half a time, mutt agree with the faith verfe of the twelfth chapter,where the woman is fed in the defart 1260. dayes, whichmake three yeers and a half. Alto they fay itwas the cuftome of the Prophets to account yeers by moneths, weeks anddayes, as Num. 14. 34. Ezech. 4. 5, 6. The 70. weekes in `Daniel mutt of neceffity be490. yeers. 40.dayes and Nineveh fhall be deftroyed,Ionah. 3.4. which came to paffe juff 4o. yeers after, by Cyaxares. And thirteene yeers before the defolati., on of IerufalembyNebuchadnezzar. Eufebitts, Of the times of the alteration of States. .Nineveh the Imperial] city of the Affyrians was diffant from 7e- rufalem north-eaft 648. miles. And Anno mundi 3238, and before Chrift 73o. Merodach a Chaldean flew Senacharib and his fonne e. arhaddon , and made the Affyrians fubjeft to the Babylonians, Babylon is 680. miles from Ierufalem towards the eaff. About 536. yeers before Chrift Babylon was taken by Cyrus. And fo the Empire of the Babylonians came to the Perfians. Perfegolis their chief city was from lerufalem, 1 240 miles towards the eaft . about 302. yetis before Chrifi ell xander magnus overcame Darius and tranflated the Empire to the Grecians. Their chief city Philippi was difiant PPPPPPP from