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r 1084 ThePopes Spe¡facl es, or from lerufAlen) 954. miles north -eaft. A littlebefore Chrifts time Julius gat the name of Emperour : but it was felled in Auguflsu at the birthof Chrift. So much of the fecondof Daniel. 1. In the eleventh chapter, the two witneffes prophetic clothed in fackcloth 1260. dayes. In the twelfth chapter,the woman is nourifhed in the wilderneffe 1260. dayes. 2. In the eleventh, the holy city thall they tread underfoot 42. moneths. In the i th. power is given to the Beaft todomineer 42.moneths. A time,times and half a time is expounded threeyeers and a half, Three yeers and a halfcontain 42.moneths,which make a 26o.daies; thirty dayes to a moneth. Now for the timeof the fall and deftruL ion ofthe enemies of the Church. By the account of Napier it (hall be, Anno 1639. Brightman faithbefore1650. Thefe two begin at coif/amines time. But I crave leave of thefe two worthies to begin 35. yeers after theirs, my reafons are ; Firft,. they take the manchilde to be Cons ftantine,and fodo I,but it is plain in the text that he is firft taken up to Godbefore the womans flying into the wilderneffe,which carne not to paffe until! 23. or 26. yeers after the death of Conflantine. Secondly ,in his time the Church molt flourifhed and had no caufe to hide; But Conflantines bounty and leaving Rome to the Popes go- vernment was the caufe that prefently Rome grew proud and turned to be the great whore,for ( committing fornication with errour and ambition ) the conceived and brought forth twoEons that were B.ealt>: viz.Conflantiws Emperours and Liberius Pope both Arrians, Thefe are the fathers and Grandfires of the twoBeans , via. of all the AntichriftianEmperour and Popes following. So that it was errour and perfecution whichcaufed the Church to hide her felt. The greateft difficulty is to knew the time when the womans flying began : to free my felt from envy and cavil! of Papifts and Prote- ftants I will begin at the Arrian councells. And I will begin my computation at the horrible decree and councell of Antioch, Anno. 365. And add to it 1260 yeers , the time of the womans hiding in the wilderneffe ( and the Beafts time of Domineering) it makes 1625. At theendwhereof I hope the woman or Church (hall come forth as a virgine and Bride trim'd for her husband, and fee all her enemies trod under foot:whichI prayGod the father of all met- rics and theGod of all comfort to grant, &c. But