his Climaïtericallyeere, to85 But I knowmany will fay,my calculation is incredible,confidering the Popes and the Emperours late prevailings, together with their and the Kingof Spaines power. I anfwer : The whores plagues are to come upon her at a day, Chap.i7. which may well be underilood of a yecrs warning,or upon a fuddain. Alfo if Babylon be and were an AntitypeofRome,as it is apparent; Babylon was of an incredible ftrength and grearneffe. The walls were 50. cubits thick and 2co high, and ;80. furlongs in compaffe as Strabo faith, which makes 48. miles. The river Euphrates ran thorow it. The firft founder was Nimrod, like Romulrts, branded with the molt perfpicuous note of cruelty : compelling his vaffals ( like the Pope) to worship him with divine worship , and after his death to behonoured for one of the principali gods by the name of Satstrne. ( Chap. 18. ) And if Rome: deftruftion be defcribedby the name of Babylon : and Babylon was deftroyed upon a fuddain,when they were fecure. BelJhazzar was merry in his cups. The fame night the city was taken deltroyed : and fo may the Pope for any thing I know. And if any ask,by whom it (hall come to paffe. It is faid, Rev. r7. that there are ten horns, which are ten Kings , who {hall hate the whore and make her defolate. If any demand who there ten Kings' are,let them reade Maxwells Iury of 24. Prophets,whereof twelve are canonized byPopes for Saints, Bale reckons them (even in land,one in Scotland, one in Ireland and one in wales. Thefe faith he (hall hate the whore and make her defolate. But I will cite two or three e{ Maxwell: Prophets which are soft to the purpofe. Firíi Paulus Secundas and Grebnerus of Mifrna the Germane Aflrolosian. He foretelling divers Orange things which have fince come to paffe. As the deftuftion and diflipation of the Spanifh fleete in 88. The mu rther of Henry the third of France: the preferment of Henry the fourth to the crown.The befieging and winningof Grooning in Friesland and the death of Philip the fecond King of Spaine in his Sericum mundi film's/. He all() do.:th deliver that the Lyon having the role and the lillies on his armes (hall utterly de&roy the t : fo th;t afterward there than never be anymore Pope. rt.= arre Ir1ax1Vcll ont of Grcbnerur. PPPPPFP 2; his