z486, The Tope Spet acles, or This that follows of Grebnerne is taken out of the Orizjnall, în Trinity Library,. $annp. 7;. TheRomane Scepter and Diademe being laid dawn or taken: away from the houfe of AsJiria by fatali neccfiìty, being opprefÌéd of the Germans, and Forraigners, French, Enz!ift , Dani(h, and Swevians,flocking andflowing together hence and thence. Whence Mall a horrible, bloody andmoilk fharp battell arife, wherewithall (rope ( beinggrievously ( haken) ¡hall tremble: and being fundry waies rent and wafted, it (hall be obnoxious to notable mutations . and changes. To this battaile,. ( and tothe making of eruptions in- to the provincesof the Pomeranes , Alegapolenfians, and Danes the KingofSIVevia of that time (hall be invited and drawne by the writings ofthe Legate ofthe Romane Sea: to whtch,ifhe (hail obey, he becomes the neereft Companion or fellowof Wart. but evilly and unluckily, ley that propinquity or neereneffe. Wherefore I counfeli him to leave Suevia in that (Late he had received it.. So himfelfe, his (tocke and Pofterity (hall quietly andpeaceably enjoy it, being content with their own condition :. Wherewith they do Governe;, they (hall preferve their Nation andSubjleds, and keep: them bound to them in duty. But ifhe shall determine with his heart to per- (Lvadc his-people, and to draw them from the way the Lord (hall take him away by death. And fa of or from a Charles, a Great Charles reigning, is made,who with grearfucceffe and fortune (ball rule the Northerne prople,.and as an Enemie fight luckily with hid Navie againft the Spani(i power and Tyranny, and thei-r Navie of Armado. And together with other Christian forces conjoyne. Ajall fight ftoutly and fiercely. But GodBoth caliout of this life the Popi(h wife ofthe King, from whence the Romane H;gh Priest (13,11 conceive great. tertgt r , which shall the more increase and prcffe when Charlesthe King himfelf (hail oppofe Antichrist and bee ad- verfe unto him, and fhall. dyne his forces to the Bands of the Gee. manesand other neighbours, and oppugne or fight again(Lthe Spa- nifh Diademe. And then the SWevian (hill use his Navie withmoft happie fitcceffe, and his people by Land , and by Sea, againft the Enemie. Bohemiadóthfate tumults and warlike noyfes, with a, great falling away, ofher people.. At that time, the last Carer of time houfe: ofefttfria,,(hall put on the note ofthe EleFtorof Saxoni -, Spanilh,- fsraudulenrdeeerptfull,flatrering, and' treacherous Specacles. The nature.of whichfpedacles.at lair he kn&wes and by experience is.. taughtx,