/osa ClitpafteriC4a 1087 taught¡thát thefe fpec`tacies of the life of Außria, are.collouing or flatteringand glorious words, ttkked and treacherous praettifes. And if hegon further to give credit unto them: he hhall cal} head- long himfelfr, wife, and children, and "all the confederatesof Chri- ftendome intopernicious dcflruftion, whence the Pope ofReme (hall take up agreat laughter. But the Loid doth raife up an Ele- ftórwhich (hall throw down and raze out the Romane Antichrift With all his members andayders. In this violent, head-long at d-9eá-ttiáft, andin-the fang ofde (paireof theRomane C.far, the Exiles ofall the Kings and Print -es. ofEurope; the 73avárians,.theRotiemiantrBurgsmddans, and Pórtin- gallr, (hall be reil:ored-to their former épate. And a noble and flout )obemianLord loth pofrefe andrecover his jurifdiEtiort. They that have not feene the defrru(iotr;: the 'meeting together ofArmes; and the diffippation "three being expelled, fla'all plot or feeke their recovery. And the heires of them (hall conr;:nd-and la- bour, that by the bounty of the 1aáí; Emperour of Germanie they may be Cet ;gaine in theplace of their Anceftors. There ariferh now a forttanáte 1Yohe, ian Z;rca for the Nehemi- ìrn War.re.. And a,cerraine Germane Zic ,- nià't poiverlitll and` fa- mous : who (half bruite and breake the heads-'6f the Jefuites in Germany, 14e (halt driveandbanifh-çllrm out t?f. Bbbemia and An- tr a, and (hall fubdue to himfelfe theXcI*mians andiattithar thorow Asffria and `74annoniq even to (oçfigntinoyle,and all thofe:people And thereforeit is meete átiâ`jttf a ï litierin,z auc pfcibiis gol- den crowne, burning, be let on the head'of this 'íncserort raIor E;. r- maneZifÇa;o.ron. the headof the Ste*, who being a great and OüC Warriottr loth corne forthout, of the f ock of Al-him Andhe (hall he calleda worthy aibbfe man .1 iii f if rxtfi vieto- rioutly, which fhaltdoe thefe famous things and {4TÁpily, (Tina) them, with his other Captaines ofZijca. After thefe changes, fubtile exercifed inrerpretor of the Revelation of Saint bien, may more cagily underhand, and more lively dceipher the fame, the ninths be- ingpafl by little and little betweene the 6,6.There fEalfbe amore lively explication of thofe things which Erechiei andDaniel havra. Prophefied ofthe laft Aft ofthe age of the world. FateluuGre6nerta his Men thread of the world perk- cd at Magdeburgh. Anne. r 5 7 4. This Locke was found'in- the Cr`o fet of Q,;,ieen Elizabeth ar ker loath by Donor Nevin", &c: Ar /fo'