i o88 The Popes Sperlacles. Alfa a Prophefe of Capiítranus im the Records of Can- terbury. The Lyon of the houle ofBxrgundy having got the Empire, will feeke to build a lure nett for his young : but it hall not be : for there arifeth a certaine grave and conftant man, neere Aquifrave ofthe Reine, who being chofen, (hall reftore the Apoftolicall di- fcipline. And in the third incurfion of time !hall prevaile and do great things, and there íhall be of his race to the day of judge- ment. This Capiftranut was a Francifcan Minorite Fryer, and prayed for the Souldiers under Huniades at the fiege of Belgrade by theTurke Anno 1454. faith Symonds, fol. 224. He is alto one ofMaxWells Prophets. Also Nollrodamus faith, that Rome {hall be ruled by her old Bri- toniJh head. Thofe 1o. Kings which were to rife with the beaft and gave their power to her, and which {hall altohate the Whore and makeher defolate. Bale reckons them as before, (-even in England, the other three in wales, Ireland, and Scotland. Thefe, faith he, role with the Beast, and firft gave their power to the Beast, and did himhomage, paying him Peter pence as a fervice. This was Anno 433. This king- dome was afterward reduced into a Monarchy by Aluredus, Anno Dom. 687. But I rather like Gre6nerus judgement, who reckons them thus. TheFrench, theEngli/b, the Danes, the SWetians and the Germans; for they begin to combine prettily together at this time. Savanorolla faith that one Ihould come over the Alpes like to Cy- rua, which should fubvert and defiroy Italy and Rome. He lived about, Anno 1496. faithLimpet. FINIS.