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P .3. ,/fe1,e14tiortofthe Apócalypfe. io3 on a wedding gartment, Matthew 22. verfe 12. And more plainly, iinc.. Saint Paul , For at many as are baptized into Chrift, have part on criticatl ChriAGal.3.27. But it bath a divers fignification, according the di- Sardis. vers confideration, of the things to which it is referred. In refpe6t of God, it is the garment ofIssftification; in refpec`t ofother men , it is the garment of fangtification and profefsion : in refpact of our felvet, it is thegarment of glory , honour, triumph , joy , &c. Thefe .$=ardians therefore kept their profeffionof Chrift pureand fpotlef e, from all the filth and pollutions of thefe monítrous opinions : Al- Though even thofe men alto, who do awake by repentance from their errours, are faid to keep their garments pure. For they which are in Chrift, are not efteemed by their former foulnefte, but by their pre, tent clothing , wherewith all their filthinefte that is pall is covered, And therefore they 'hall WakeWith me inWhite. That is,garments: 'Thefe are the fame.garments with the former, but of a little-divers condition. For thofe were of profelion,whereby they did appear un- to others to be trout fouldiers of IefuChrift : Thefe are ofglory, triumph and ioy, which they (hall both enjoy within themfelves,from :the fence of Gods love Jbed abroadinto their hearts ; as alfowhich :they (hall conceive out of the open, andcommon fpeechesofother who (hall magnifie qodfor their caufe, for giving them fuch courage 'and victory. TheWhite and pure gown is in great ufe and requeft at folemnities,,both among the Heathen, and with thepeople of God: ,Whence it is, that thewife man alluding this cuflome,faith: Let thy garments be White at alltimes, Eccicf. 9. 8. But above all, I thinke ..that that place ofkfarkg is refpeeted here,wherc was a certain foot- ftep of this heavenly glory ; He appeared in aJhining garment very Vrhite,fuch,as no Fuller upon earthcanWhiten like unto it,chap.3.At the fight whereof, Peter being overwhelmed withunmeafutable joy,, thoughtupon this one thing alone , how he might enjoy it for e- ver. So that this rewardofthe Saints !hall bemoft ample, as where- in they (hallfo refit ehemfelves with their whole hearts that they (hall J delire no greater thing in this world. Yea if any man lhould asks the brethren themfelves, whofe thefe garments are ;. 1. doubt not but they would anfwer, that this joy which they have by Chrift in holding fart the truth , is greater and ofmore account with them , then that they would exchange it for all the delights of this prefent life. Certainly great is their glory with all the godly, whichwith our whole hearts we praymay be perpetual) un-, ao.them. Br,