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CAP, 3..J(eVelationofthe Apocalyple. in holy things, after that prohibitionfolloWeth a puntfhmetst ixfliaed 6y Gcdly the lllagttrates. So it commeth to pale, that thofe thingsWhich Philadel- (elfewhere) lautes doe not punifb, and 6ypunifhingrefiraine, are Phia. there kept in withoutforce and tumult. Therefore there is no Whore- haunting-, no drunkennefle, no dancing, no beggar, no idle perfon to be found in that-City. Theft. things faith he in his Bookeofthe methodeof Hiffor. Chap. 6. Worthily is that San&ifier ofthis Church to be magnified, who bath wrought in the Saints to will and to do fuch things ofhis own freepleafure. The fame care allo, with the like fruit of it is in the reff, according to that (tinted portion of grace which C H tt I s T vouchfàfeth to every one of thefe reformed companies. And his truth is no lefl'e notable, both as he is a Prophet in teaching, and as he is a free covenantour in promifìng. We (hall fee that this dou- ble truth in the Church following, is di(tinguifhed by the proper words for each of them, both ofwhich this word True, feemeth here to containe, feeing it is put abfolutcly and by it fèlfe. Now for the truthof doctrine , where is it more chaffe and intire , even in the whole world ? Popery is here wholly cut in the throate ; eflnabaptifs, e!....1-ntitrinitarians, Arians, and loch like Monflers, raifèd up from Hell againe, partly in Germany, partly in Tranfilva- nia, have never met withmore fierce adverlaries ; yea, what hath it not done to try ifit could pluck up thefe erreurs out ofthe Chur- ches of Germany ? Neither doth it only keepe the do Trine of fal- vation free from corruption , but it doth allo both deliver in wri- ting, and exercife in prac`tife, that fincere manner of governerment, wherebymen are madepartakers offalvation. Certainly the whole will of God is communicated unto thefe holy ones of his, fo that Chriff may jut}ly take to himfelfe this title of Truth to commend himfelfe withall in governing this Church. Hee did alSO Phew himfelfe in this Church to be abundantly faithfullin making good that his word of promife, whereby he bath bound himfelfe to pre ferve all thofe fafeand found that feek himwith a foundand upright. heart. What mifchiefe is it that the Frenchman, Spaniard, Savoy, and Pope have not plotted and endeavoured to worke, for the root- ingout of the men ofGeneva , a fmall people, invironed from all places withentmics, and barred out fromall aide ofneighbour- Cities. and ChnFehes ? Yet it flourifhech to this day (blef ed be godfor it) and (hall flourifh hereafter , maugre th° envie and malice ofall ad ryerfaries, though they built againe with it, fo long as it (hall obfrve CQ,3 conffantly