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CAP.3..íl evelaticf ofthe Apocalypse. 113 why is it called the Key of David, when it is rather the Key of Godty baron, to whom it belonged to keepe backe the Lepersand un- Philadd- cleane perfons from the holy things, and to fhut them out from Phia comming into the Temple ? The Pricti truly could onely pro- nounce who wire uncleane, but was not wont through an ordi- nary and proper power hee had , by force to reliraine thofe that were difobedient. C H R i S T both the King and Prieft bath power to doeboth, and joyneth both together in this Churchhere, not onely railing up PaPtours who might pronounce men impure and impenitent, but joyneth alfo to them the civili Magiltrate, whomight readily and diligently offer and afford their labour unto the Paltours. So faid Bodin, as we heard before, the punifhment inflieled by the Magiftrate folloWeth the prohibition from the holy things. Both (words therefore are drawne out in this Church, but feverally by thofe toeither of which theoffice properly belonged). And this is indeed a molt tweet fociety, feeing the wholepaines and labour of the civili Magill rate, ought to tend to this, that men might live With all godlineffe and honefty, i Tim. 2. 2. Now thefe words feemeto be taken out of Ifaiah, Chap. 22.22. e/IndI Will lay (faith he) the Key of the houfeof Davidupon hisfhoulder, he/hallfhut and no manfhall open, when he openeth no manfhall fhut. But the word Hone, feemeth to be of purpofe omitted ; For he faith not He that bath the Key of the hoof of `David; but he that bath the. Key of Da- vid. The difference is, that, that feemeth to belong to an inferiour Minifter,as the Steward, and that only in the Family ofDavid,this, unto the highell Governour, and that throughhis whole Kingdome. Suone word omi ted, puttctha differencebetween the Type, and the Truth ; Eliakim and Chrifi. See alto Ifa.9.6. y. The Complutenfe and the KingsCopy read fomewhat otherwife ; He that openeth, and PI manfhallfhut it, he that openeth not, andno man(hall open. Aretac thus ; if he opennot, rT c. 8. I knout thy werkes; Behold, I havelet an opendoore before thee. Herehe fetteth upon the Narration, and fiat of their prefent good. Which is an open doore, whichfometimes fìgnifieth a power to preach the Gofpell; whence Saint 'Paul will have the ColoLliians, pray carnally toGod, that he Wouldopen a doore ofMeech unto hitrr, Col.4.I 3. Andhe willeth the Ephefiens to pray that hee might have peechgivenhimWith opening ofhis mouth,Ephef.6.19.And fo it may Jutlly be called,feeing by theword there is a door opened intoheavë,_ W`h being once takenaway,the gate is fhut and locked up that no man can.