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ri 6 :/ikveleitioroftit Apocalypre. C A r.3. ;odly meantime they rejetTChrift, in whom alone we are counted formes, Phi1a<lel_ and flick unto the abrogated Ceremoniesief the Law : hvherby they Phil. made themfelves to be á Synagogue of Satan not a Congregation' of Saints, whatfoever they on the contrary (trove to be with their words. In the Counterpain, they are Iew's, whatfoever they be, that are inwrapped inerrours, and yet arrogate to themfelves alone; truthfaith,falvation, the promiles of god, creaking , and crakingOf nothing bat the Temple, the Temple; fuch as were the ArianBiiiops under Confl`antine, Conflantius, and Valera ; and fuch as are the Ro- manifs at this day,that glory no leße in Peters Chayr, then the Iews of old did in their"emple. Thefe will be the only Catholiques, they will have their Churchly be the only Spoufe of Chrifh,> Aso falvation to be come by out of their Congregations. But let them deceive themfélves as much as the will , with Oozing and goodly words, they areby their truename counterfeit Iews, in Phew onlyChriflians, that make affemblies for the honour of the Devill. God dothnotacknowledge ahemfor his, that do thruft uponhim another kind of worfhip, then he himfelfe bath by his own infpired word appointed. 5.ome of theft fats therefore are given to this holy Philadelphia , when thereare many every day,whomGod of hisingularmercypulleth out of the jaws of e4ntichrifi, and inlightneth their eyes to acknowledge,and imbrace the truth. Among whom'arePeterVergerius,Peter Martyr,; Zanchiias, Alartineneste, andmanyothers, bothof 7taly,and ofother nations, who being firft of the Popifh Religion , were afterwards converted to the truth. Behold I will (Ifay) make them to come. The vicIory which the. 'Philadelphians hadof old gotten over the lews,was doubtleffe very notable, no le(he famous (hall beat laft'the triumph,of this Reformed Church over the Papifts. Hitherto they have fought againft them withquils and inke,but the time (hall come ere long,when they (hail be quite rooted out with weapons, and that by the helpe of this Church, as (hall be taught moreplainly afterwards, Rome indeed her felfe (hall be overthrown by fomeotherman, bat after Ike is demo lifhed, this holy 'Philadélphia (hall pluck rip the remainders of the PopifhKingdom , fothat it (hall not have the very name of it to remaine afterwards, as we (hall f hewupon the 19. Chapter. For this adoringof her by thecounterfeit leas,belongeth to that time, when as the Romi./h Best being thrown into Hell,all his armies and forces !hall beslain with the fword, which cometh out of the mouth ofhim thatfitteth upon the Horfc. And