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i1g AAevelatíon ofthe Apocalypse. C A P. 3. Godly filiation farabove all other,yet a (port one, he contrafted the troubles Phila- ofthe fame times into onehour in the type. This tryall therforewhich is dclphia. yet to bee, which (hall come upon thewhole world,is the laft fought battell ofthe Róiaifh AntichriJt in thewelt, andof theTurhi_lï, Ma- hornet in the eaft, very terrible in the whole order and fetting of it in aray, but yet wherein the Church fnall get the viftory , which is to be tar preferred before all the triumph of all that have beenCon- querours. A ta(t whereof is here given tobe taken aforehand , the hill declaration is referved for the proper placeofit. But feeing in this battell the vietory {hall be common to thewhole church , and here feemeth to be fomething promifed, proper to this one church, it may be this temptation (hall be fume other, which (hall go before that main battell. And we have heard before in the churchof9er- 'many, that force grievous thing was hanging over it For he threat- neth that he will come as a thiefe Befides, we (hall fee in the next church,that force tempeft is to be looked for. Wherefore it is tobe feared, that this temptation will fhortlyr invade thefeChrißianChar, ches, and will {hake them with a horrible ftorm. Befides thecon- jeeture ofthis place; the fins which everywhere get the'upper hand may increafe this feare worthily. It will begood thereforefor every one to prepare himfelf, that he may Rand unmovable in that day. Now we may in force part conceive how grievous this calamity will be,out ofthe words themfelves.Fortheypromife that this one church (hall be preferved from waftingand deftruction to which purpofe . tendeth that reWard of the pillars , verf: t z. What fhall-become then of the churches ? There feemeth to be coming fo miferable a hurli- burlyof all things, that nooutward forme or fafhion ofany church {hall be left elfwhere betides : for it feemeth that thofe churches which have not regarded full reformation, (hall at laft by Gods judgment come to nothing. z t. Behold I come quickly. Hitherto ofthegood Ofthis church. The way to preferve it is by connancy, towhich he exhorteth, firft by hisfwift coming; The Philadelphian church felt this houreof tentati- onprefently after the writing of this booke. For Trajame fucceed- ed next after Domitian, under whom ?ohn received this Revelation. And the new reftoredPhiladelphia (hall finde, it will not belongbe- fore all thefe things (hall be perfected, within zoo. yeers after her firft new birth, (he Hall fee theAle ofall thefe things , as the Pro- phecy following (hall teach ns by Godshelper .l ellthat Which thouhaft, that nomeat take thy CroWn, That is., goe