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C AP.3. i eVelationof the Apocalypfc. 121 fromhim. And yet, that I may by the way touch this point, theft Godly twonames feem tonote out betides this,the two Churches ofthe /eves and Gentiles. That ofthe yews, by7achim on the right hand,as which delpliii. God wouldat lengtheftablifh in his time , though as yet it had not attained to this ttablenefs,through the oh(tinacyoftheir mindes,wher- with they fhould rej _et Chrift when he fhould come ; this ofthe (en- tiles, by Boaz on the left hand, becaufe of the prefent strength that fhouldbe in her,whenthe fhould embrace Chris} at the firil hearing. Thus Chrift fhall write upon thefe Pillars better names then thofe of Iachim andBoaz. For firm, he !hall write ttpon them the name of his God,,that it may bemade plain to all men,that thefe men are cho- fen out from the reft to be Gods peculiar people, as is in ufe with all matters that are openly marked, whichdo by their titles declare to every one whole they are. Inwhich fence it was faid, And they 'bail k,noW that I have loved thee, verf. 9. For which caufe alfo : Holinefe to the Lord, Was Writtenupon the little bells that hang upon the horfes in in the Prophet Zachary, Chap. 14.20. The fecondname is ofthe neW 7eru/alem ; ofwhich Chapter 21. 2, &c. To which time this reward elongeth whence it is cleer,that thefe feven Epiftles refpected not one lv the prefent conditionofthe (even Cities, but do after theman- ner of Types comprehend theagesfollowing for a long time, as we have interpreted them. But as touching this new Ierufalem, we (hall (hew in theproper place, that it is not that City which the Saints !hall enjoy in the Heavens, after this life, but that Cburch,that is to be looked for upon earth, the molt noble and pure of all other, that ever have been to that time. The rewardsdo in apeculiarfort ferve for the times, but ifthis fe- licity fhould be after the refürrection,it fhould be common to all the Saints, not proper to this Philadelphia. This therefore doth (igni fie,.both that thePhiladelphians fhould endure untill that reftoring of the Church,wherein the neW7eru/alem (hall come downfrom heaven, and fhall converfe With men ; as allo that they (hall be joyned withit in Covenant and focietie,Co be endowed with the gift of that hea- venly 7erufalem, and toenjoy the fame right and felicity with it. At which time all men hull acknowledge , that thy Reformation is not a deviceofmans brain, as contentious brablers will needs have it to be, when they fhall fee the fame ordinances to flourish in the neWye- rufalem. The third name is, the neW name of a Son : What it that trow ye,,. that can be new in this name á Doubtlei e, that it is not as-yet ac- knowledged ;,