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C A r.3. 4Revelatkon oftheApocalypfe. 123 ofanygoodthing in him , contrary to the courfe he teokZWithall thefor- Luke- mer Churches, as alfa openly,both by comparing it With coldnee, as 4 vßgla leer evill, vert. 15. Andbyfetting dsWn the punitment that is to be rions La . ixiidìted, Which is vomiting out of his mouth, vert: 16. eAfter that he odicça. fbeWeth the Way to heal this difeafe, both by opening the calife ofit, tuhich is afalfe perfwaftonofhis oWn Worth andexcellency, and the ig- norance ofhis mifery,verf. 1 7. As alfa by prefcribing the remedie, which is to befetchedfrom Chrifl alone, nerf. 18. Andnot this onely, but alfa by perfibading him to life it,bothby threatning a chafiifementfitforfons, if theyßa11 neglclt it, verf. 19. As alfa by layingdoWn the eafneffe of applying it, verte 2o. And the reward, vert: 21. The laft con:inhere is the vjiiall Epilogue ofhearing What the Spiritfaith to the Church- es, vert 22. THE EXPOSITION. s4. A Nd to the Angel of the Laodiceans. Laodicea by the River Lycus, was ofold a great and renowned Citie, abounding both with Citizens, andwealth, and all things, as we have f sewed, Chap. i .1 s. It was built by Antiochus the fonofStratonice, and was called Laodicea for a favours fake toLaodice his wife, as who would fay, a `Frincere ofthe people, to whom the gave lawes, and among whom [he executed juftice. Whence it is that we call it glorious or glorying Laodicea, as being bothby her name, and in her own con- ceit a great City,bragging thatAc is rich and wantethnothing,verf. 17. Isis diftant Eaftward rather then Southward from Philadelphia, not above ten fcruples ofground, according to Ptolomy; It is the third City, fince the last mention of7ezabel, whofe infamy and villany the Church of Sardis took away from the Churches. This Church bath this proper to it felf, that the hath none fet against her as the former Churches had. Thyatira was fet against Ephefsss, Sardis against Smyrna, Phhiladel- phia against Pergamus ; Laodiceathe feventh Citie wanteth a Paralet to matchher, as beinga peerle(fe Paragon. . The Coyanterpain is the thirdreformed Church ; Which before that I do by name fpecifie, I small put away fromme by all earneft intreaty, the unjuft fufpicioaa whichfome men may raife against me, and the offence which they may takeat my words. ?t was not truly any diftempered affe&iion of my heart,that hath fet me on work tofeekout an odious application ofthis Epiftle. God is my wirneffe that I am not grieved through en- vie either at the wealth,or yet at the honours ofany man. That little Mate