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C A P. 3. 41 .velationoft%e Apocalypfe, t; i this day f atiffs,ormoderate and direst ProteffantsofState,and"which.Luie- are commonly known to be lukeWarme profeffors. And now it is not Witte here mentioned , what be thofe fpeciali things , out of the mixture vain ygin- whereof this mnngrell lukewarmneffe hadhis being and beginning. Laoiccn. Before thefe times of John , Paul biddeth the Coloffrans admonilh Archippw, who was then the Paftour of the Laodicean Church , that heeAmid have a care tofulfill that miniftery, Whichhee hadreceived in the Lord, Coloff4.17. By which it appeareth , that the Paftorall fi- delity began at that time to totter there, the which afterwards did foully come todecay , when the Holy Ghoft fent thefe Epiftles to the Angels of the Churches. In our Realme of England, the matter is more clear, where fuch aformof a Church is eftabliflicd, which is neither cold, noryet hot , but fetin the middeft between both, and compounded of both. It is not cold, in as much as it doch profeffe the found, pure, and fincere doftrine of falvation, by which we have renounced that Amichrif! of Rome, and are rifen out of that death, as cold as yce,wherein wee lay before. But hot it is nor,as whole out- Ward Regiment is as yet for the greaten part AstichriftianandRe- mi/h. In the degrees of clergiemen, inelectionandordinations, and the Wholeadminifiration of the Church-eenfures. The which tempering of pure doctrine, andRomifk Regiment, maketh this lukewarmneffe; whereby we Rand juft in the middeft between coldand hot, between the RomiA, and the reformedChurches; of both which wee make a medly, as MartinBucer (of all godly men to be had in perpetuall remembrance) complayneth in a certain Epiftle of his , written from Cambridge to a fpeciall friend of his Januar. 12. Anno 155o. This was hee, that in the dayes of King Edward the fixth,was (among others) called to confulr, and todetermine matters about the reforming of our Church. But hee fbeweth plainly in that Epiftle, that wee fpake of even now ; wherein , and how jarre both his , and Peter Martyrs authority prevailed. For thus Lc writeth : As for that thatyou put mee inmindof, touching thepurity of Rites, now that no forrainers opinion, or voice, is asked here about theft matters. ref Wherein Wee can, Wee are not Wanting in our duty of our fe/ves to exhort and admonijb , both by Writing and (peaking ; and firff , and principally , that the Chri/tian Con- gregation might be provided With true Paftours , and then alit that order might bee taken for the moll pure Purity , bath of Dodtrine and Rites : And in another place : There are forme that by their tnojf hsmane Wifdome ; and Cogitations, To.