Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

4 eve1ati6nofthe Apocalypfe. C A ra Pride ; neither yet let mee flick in the fhallow fords of blinde Ignorance, but let meby thy con- du& goon forthright till I approach to_ the.truth, and then after I have found it,:let me foholily and rcligioully love, honour and -keep it, that I may neither-conceal it through 'clifh©neft fear-; nor yet corrupt and fophiflicate it-for hatr4d ar-fa- vour of any man-, but May purely aridfncerelÿ bring it foi-th intàa 1i ht tdxhe:glory. of thyrnoff great Name,_ and<contolatiortofthy-Chu'.rchiyet rievoufly mourning Grant=cliff through ::our Lord Jefus Chrift, Amen , The reír lvingbf ie intothe'pártthtrtdf '' THeÀo4jfthè Revelation after the°Prefacc,is t#:hólly ciordiep'into an Epifile. The refáee is° in the' thrgefirfz; fit, fe. _capot alai/fresh ;heArgument, the >Autihor., both principa1l á l4 mi9ií,inria f,,árá4, the fruit ofthe Boók The Epil1le is ant in an Ihferiptibtí, 1113róphericall ;Narras vn,and a Conclxfon. The Infcription i.rnbtabiefiethe perron ofthe writer, studof tbofe to whom it is.Written, bot effie«ially of him, fromWhom health isWifbed. OfWhich one God, theFathers eternali truth,tbé holy.1pirits trmanifoldgrace,ver .q. TheSonspartly threefold ,oTice, .verf. 5.. partly exceeding treat benefit redaùnding. to the Eletl, lath prefent, verf6. ae alfa tobeelookedfer at his .glorious coming. is"de- fcribed and greatly extolled; Which coming of (brill, the Tribes of the earthfl)all intertain With exceadinggreat lamentation, While yet the Saints do vehemently Yoifh for it, as is exprefed in thofeWords, Yea, Amen, verf:?: The Propheticall Narration concerneth-ei therparticu- lar Churches, er the Whole, and thofè either joyntlyin therefl- of.this chapter, orelfe feverally in the tWonext. The matters Which are joynt- ly declaredferve to this end, that the (even Churches might knoW, that 7obn took, not in hand to'Porite this Book typon his oWnbead and.pleatftere, but `ailedaride :ámmanded thereto by Gad, unto Whtcb the Ferfon calling may