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CA 1.3. 4kvelationof theApocalypfe. 114/ feized on our Angel, may thence very eafily appear, in that he L,aki- fpeakeths.a,hing in a manner, that may provoke any man that is his wart better and Superiour, to anger or difpleafure again-ft him. The Bi- còns a. fhops fear the Sob/amen ; The Parifh-Parfons and Vicars, hand ín odica,a, awe ofthe Ti/hops, as whom they know to have a fcouí ge afwaies athand tobeat them with : Ifanyofthe Parifhioners being provo- kedat home, by Mafkr Parton, fhould have occafion to require the Bifhops help,, -ifhe can colour his grudge he beareth him, withobie&.z.g againfthim,:hat he carrieth a diflike in his minds aginft certain Church Ceremonies. By this means, reprehenfions are whiflac, wickedneffe raigneth , the wrathful' hand of God co- meth forceably upon us, andwhat the iffue of all this will be, thofe of the more prudent fort do greatly fear,and that upongood ground. But efpecially their beggarlinef e infiling for Livings is netoriotts.Eor let us take aview, and make a generali mufter as it were of the whole Clergie, and if you will let us begin at the bafeft underlings; The Curates, as they call them are both in very deed, and in all mens account, a company ofbeggarlyfello*es : In whom a man may fee that verifyed, whichwas threatned aginft the family of Ely, Alen, bowing them/elnses to the groundfor a piece offalver, anda morfell of bread, and craving tobeing into one ofthe Priefis Offices, that he may have afnap at acrufl ofbread, t 4atn. 3.3 6. Now for the reft, thofe that by means of their more frill purfes, walk more luftily, fuch as we callfturdy beggars, What running up and down is there among them ; Whatbribing ; Whatimportunate, and impudent begging; what flattering offers do they make, of all their obeifance, and all dutiful' complements, that theymay come by thefe Ecclefiafticall Promotions ? You may fee many of them that Poft up to the Court, or to the houfe ofthe Right Honourable , The Lord Keeper of the great Seal; For thefe two places are like the Beantifoll gate of Solomons Temple, Aets 3. 2. Men come in by this way apace , thick and threefold, and they are ingreat hope to carry away force good relief. Others there are that become followers ofNoblemen and Peeres oftheLand,whofe Chaplains they become, either Houfbold, or Retainers, as I may call them, thatlive under their prose Lion; for what end trow ye ? Even for this and noother,that atfoon as any Renefice, as they call it, fhall fall void,they might inioy it by their Lords gift. And Bothnot this I prayye,feem to be an honeft waytoget a Church-1iving,no fuch bafe and beggarly ane,asyou fpealc of? But isnot this currying offavor meer beggary? V 2 Is