Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

146 A 1«evelatiof ofthe ApÖtalypfe. C A Luke- miforiefor hispaffe, and have livedout thefoure and twentiethyser of wa rin his age, and have taken come degree at the Vniverfity; which Taft con- vain gio- dition is required only of men that be of another mans Dioceffe.) tic's Arid laftly, thouprovider , that Orders be not given , but only on the I.aodicea Lords dayes, and the holy-dayes. Worthy Ordinances doubtleffe, in regard whereof the reformed Churches may bluff' for fhame. What good doe thefe things at all , either to make aman fit to be admitted, or elfe that hereafter more learned , or honeft Minifters fhould bee ordained ? What will ye, when the Holy ÿhoft cryeth out by Paul ; Who vs fit for theft things?Will ye thruft a fellow,uponhimwith a Pre- fentation,a Certificate, a Paffe-port, or an inftallin.g on the Lords day, or filch like toyes ? What fore-fight, I pray thee, haft thou had in this matter; that haft rough-caft this tottering wall with fucha filly kind of playrering ? Then for Plurality of Benefices , what order tookeft thou ? Thou decree t, that it is to be rcpreffed. And that very well indeed; For it is á foule matter, that that man fhould bemade a Paftourof theep, who feedeth them not at all;or at leafk, that he fhould receive any of their fruits, that receive no commoditie from him. It had been meet then, that here thou fhouldeft have vented all the cunning thou hadft for the curing of this evil), which , not Gods Oracles only, but even common fenfecondemneth for facriledge. What remedy therefore dolt thou ufe? Forfooth, this : Let no man be qualifiedforfuch apri- viledge, unleffe he be a Ma(ler ofArts at lee, and be apublic*, and )Worthy Preacher of Gods Word. Surely thou art aworthy Phyf cian. Why, what hurt have Masters of Arts done thee, or how have they offended thee, that thou fhouldeft owe,and do them this mifchiefe,to make them in the firft placeguilty of fo great afinne ? Thouconfef left, that plurality is evil), and a thing tobe fiippreffed, and yet giver them leave in thy Indulgence,to be infected with thispeftilent difèaf. Doubtieffe it is a notable priviledge of their degree , that they be naught before anyothers. But dill thou think, that this contagious tanne would paffe the leflè forcibly and commonlyby this means ? There are , God be thanked,fo many Maf#ers of Arts, that if all of them fhouldmake ufe of this liberty, that thy Canongiveth them,and fhould make no matter of Religion , or confcience to Godof it ; I beleevemore Parifhes fhould want Minifters to refide amongft them, then do at this day. So wifely doll thoureftraiete an evil), by giving it more ample fcope. But it may be, thou thinker it enough for thee only to delude men, with the bareTide of a Canox, for keeping plu- pair?o inorder. After