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6 A l evelatsonoftheApocalypfe. C A r. i. Of 7efiu Chrifl: Who is one of the principal' Authorsof the Revelation, the Mediator between God and men. From the fame Chrift have aiwayes proceeded all the old Prophecies ; But in theft l.:Jl days; God pathMotion to its in his Son, after a certain, fingular and peculiar manner, Heb. a. r . Whence there is a difference between the ancient infcription ofProphecies, and that of this. There, The vifion of If.iiae, The vifion of Obadiah, The book, of the vifion of Nahum, The `Prophecie Which HabbalZuk faW ; But never till now, The vifion, or 73eveluion of 7efu-í Chriff. It muff needs be a Prophecie full of Majtftv,which is fo notable in the Title of it before all otherc,neirher is it tote doubted,but that according to the nature of the light of the Gofpel, all things are here delivered more dittinftly and exquifitely, then ever before. which godgave him ; Namely the Father, the Author andhead- fp ringof all things. Now he gave thefe things to 7efiu Chrift , as he was Mediatour, not as his coefj'entiallSonne. For thefe things do ra- ther teach the order, wherein God imparteth knowledge to his Church, then the beginning of knowledge in refpeft of his Sonne, as Theodor. Beza dothmoft learnedly explaine it. He is tke Pipe where- by whatfoever may be for our behoofe, is derived unto us men from that endlcfle depth ofgoodneffe. Although to givewith an infinitive mood after it, fignifieth often topermit ; as, thorn fait not give thy Holy one tofeecorruption, that is, thou (halt not fuffer him,Pfal. i 6.Io. And Edom refufed togive to paffeby him, that is, to permit , Num. 2 L. zt. After which manner Temoffhenes fpeaketh, joyning the word of permitting with all, Give andpermit untome to difcourfe oftheft things beforeyou. But it fallethall to one, WhrtherWejudge it tofignifiie the be ginning ofknoWledgeor power: ThereforeI thinkg beß to roll' in thefirt anfa,cr. To declare it unto hi, fervants:The underffandingthcreforeoftheft things is peculiarly proper to thefe men. Hence awayfarre enough, ye Prophane minded men. What have you todoe, (ô 7efuits) once to touch this Pooke ? Thcfe are myfferies foaled and clofed up from you,makechewofwhatfoever diligence ye will of interpreting. Here rs nothing to doe for the fworne vafsals of Antichrift. Leave off tó troubleyour felvts, to deceive others. Ifye do indeed delire to un- derfland theft things , renounce that Lord ye ferve, to the intent that he whole name ye do now belt', may impart thefe fecrets to you, re- turningagaine into his family, after you have like a company ofdead men, been lo long ftrangers from it. which