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1.5 2, 4 tvelatmofthe Apa6.1ypre. C A . 3: Luke- refined. We fee the excellency ofit in the Primitive Church, yea even warm at this day in our neighbour Churches. It feareth no touch- vain glo- ftone, it fleeth not away for fear ofany fire , it doth not burft afan- rious der by batterie of any hammer, but ftandeth to this day, as it hula Laodicea flood ofold, invincible, to the great glory of thofe that are grown rich by it. The white Garments, are oppofedeto the former honors,and nak'd- ne.(J'c, that is, contempt. Chriít will have thefe alto to be bought of him, as which he hath"alone,and thofe molt precious,andmelt praife- worthy. For what can contempt hurt them, whom their Worthineffe hashchofen,their learninghath Ordained, their fanftifyedheart and carriage hath preferred?Whommany men have earnettly defired for their approved piety,do admire for their diligéce in teaching,do Rand in awe of, becaufe of the Truth that hath a moft fret paffage in their minifterie,and do reverence,as enfamples ofall vertue& goodnes?Be theu(faith Paul)an enfample to thefaithfull infpeech,in converfatien, in Love,infpirit,inFe ith,in chafiitie,netther let any man defpife thy youth; a Tim. 4. i z. Behold , here is a way todeliver a Minifter from con- tempt. Thefe garments arc full ofMajeftie indeed,wherewith even young andyouthful' age being clad andcovered, dothnot grow vite and regardleffe. And thus did the Prophetsofoldgo decked,whofe hairy mantle had more honour with all men, then the Silkes, and the vain,pyde,and painted thew ofother men. Thofe wicked men and mockers ofthe Prophets,that were together with Iehu,when thePro- phet after he carne in, withdrew him from the company, did declare their judgement,though more then they wift of,what good eftimation they conceived in their mindes of the Prophet. what Would this mad fellow (fay they)do With thee?Yea rather, why are ye fomad,as to en- quirewhat this mad fellowwould ?But though their tongue fpeakafter the wickedguile ofit, yet their delireto know what he did,did abun- dantly thew what credit they gave him fecretly, whence it was, that after they hadknown certainly what his meffige was, they make him King,whom that mad fellow had anointed to be King. The Ba rift, with his Leatherne Girdle , and Garment made of Camels hair., was fafe from the injury of the High Prief s,becaufe ofthat honour which the common people had him in : exceeding great is the forceofGods Ordinance, asunto the which, God himfclf procureth authoritie , either by the voluntary obedience of men, or by force punifhment infliaed by his own hand. There is no need of earthly riches , Pompe and honours , which are wont at the re