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r54 ofthe A.pocalypfe. C A P,3, Luke- This conceit ofthine ( o Angel ) is tobe laid afide, thoumuff ae- warme knowledge thy felf tobe earth,and to have never a whit ofEyefalve vvn_glo.. in dice, till thou be mollified with the heavenly Spiltle,and as it were riots La- educes. ftamped into lint. Do thou therefore hang upon Chriftjmowh, whence floweth that, that isprofitable to teach, to reprove, tocorrel'f,to infirsa in righteoufneffe, that the man of god 'nay be perfeël, and pre- pared to everygoed_Work, 2Tim.3. 16,17 . Neither mtiff thou give any ear to them, that cry out,not unskilfullyonely,butalfo impiouíly, that the rules for thefe matters are not to be fetched out ofthis £hop, Chrift would not fet forthhimfelf tobe a feller ofeye-fit/vs, unleflè, bothhe had abùndant bore ofit, enough to relieve all our wants,and that it were unlawfull to buy it fromany other. Thus then we have this threefold falve ; Goldto relieve ourpoverty with, which earthly riches cannot do ; Whitegarments again(( nke_dneffe, which the ho- nours ofthis world cover not;eyefalve,good againftblindxefe,which wifdom of the flefh taketh not away. Out ofwhich, it may now at length be underflood, that thofe riches whereofthe Angel did vaunr, in the former verfe, are not the.righteoufnefleof Faith alone , as the counterfeit Ambrofe doth foolifhly prate, to Phew his wit. For thofe riches did not relieon Chrift alone ; whenceheexhorteth him, to buy Goldofhim, which he fhould do in.vain, if the Angel had fiich flore of it before. Now the righ.teoufne4fe,ofFaith,hath all-his trea- fures laid up in Chrift, whereof, whofoever truely beleeveth,and re- nouncethall other righteoufneffe, is partaker, John6: 48. Roin.3. 7. Thou therefore (o Ribero) mayeíffooner drawwater out of a Pu- meife Stone, then fubvert the righteoufneffeofFaith out ofthis place. But lu h trifling points ofthine as thefe, do eafily of themfclves fall to the ground , fo that I need not trouble my felf with confuting of them. 19 s manyas Ilove,t,s.Thefe words containan exhortation to ufe the remedy ; and firfl of all, from the chafifingof thofewhom he loveth. A reafon verily ofgreat moment. Whatfoever he be, he is eitheramong the Sons of God, or Reprobates. Ifhe receive no fon, whomhe doth not reprove and chaff en, what will becomeof the ref of the rout ? Ahorrible judgement abideth for thefe men, whom,he that will not cocker his own Eons, will not fiirely fpare in the leaf( manner. Therehangeth therefore a chaftifement over them, unleffe they repent in time, and that a verygrievous and wofull one, as the very words do intimate,which are wont to be for a folace in any (harper afrliaion then ordinary, whereby the minde is fo beaten dory