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156 ARevelation oftheApocalyple. C A i. 3. Luke- among his people,and will not havethem fo much as to behaven after warme the lik5nes ofthe Heathen Nations,will not take well at our hands this .yain glo- rious our familiar trafficking with Antichri which our carnali prudence oJica a doth devife. This is the force ofthis zeale, which, unleffe wee will ftratghtwayes admit of, wee (hall undergoe Tome tharpe corrcC}ion, AndTiepent. Let it repent thee of thy injuries which thou haft done to thy Brethren, in cafting fotne of them into Briton, in turning others out of their Livings andEitates, in deprivingmany ofthem of the power to preach the Word ; in reviling them all, and flandering them with the odious names of Anabaprifts and ` oritanes. Thou knoweft thefe men have nothing at all to doe with thofe Setaries They who doe reprehend thy fuperftitions, doe teach molt purely andholily concerning the Magiftrate, as whom they honour and obey with no leffe fàithfitlneffe and reverence than any other men whomfoeveí;lf indeedI fhould fay that he is obeyed more holily and religioufly by thefe meta, than by any other mortal! men, I fíaouldnot fpeake amiffe from the truth. For they that do cleave to God with greateft ftrength and condÈancie of minds, are moft diligent to ob- Serve his law"es, and to give themfelves over unto him with all true obedience. whom they acknowledge to be appointed and fet in his place among men, by God himfelfe. It was a notorious flander wherewith thou haft bleared theeyes of the Princep; and brought thy Brethren intohatted with her. But thou faweft that this dart was readieft at hand, and that it was melt deadly and dangerous to them above all the relt. Repent, and wafh away with teares thy former wicked practices : Forget thy riches, which the more thou loveft, the more thou fhalt fmart for it That thing is hardly for- faken,which a man rclyethon withhis whole heart. Well, Chrift is determined certainly to fpue thee out of his mouth, unleffe thou wilt fpeedily repent. zó. Behold, I fend at the doors, Thefe words containe a feaond reafon perfwading to ufe the remedy, drawne from the willingnefíè ofChrift to convene with whomfoever among' them that fhall re- ceive him ; the which is common to all the members : that which was fpoken before this, belonged properly to the Anyelc. But why, faith he, that heftandeth at the dsore and ,nocketh ? Why loth he not open the doors himfelfe and enter in itraightway, efpecially,feeing Ise bath the Key ofDavid,whereby he openeth and no man ffaatteth?About ver.7. 'Thefe things are fpoken molt ell®aptly 7and fignifiéantly to agree with the i ate ofour &4adieeatt charch;whereitE.Chrift ftaadeth at the doores,