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158 ; ke1elatiOnoftheApocalypÇe. C A I,.3, the Holy Çhof. For thenhe entreth in, and fuppeth with us, by-com- warnm municating himfelfe moff lovingly, and comfortably , in like fort as vaingl.o- hee bad Zachetu, that longed to fee him,. and therefore gat up into t'ÒUs the.Sycamore Tree, to come downe, and to make readya lodgingplace a{ico. hisentertairmnt With him,LuJe 19.5. Neither dothhe flip with- out paying his fhot ; Hoe g,iveth this priviledge to thofe that doe 'bracehim, than they j1ouldbe made the fonnes of god , yoh I.12. He a- gaine intertainethus, and maketh us fiip together withhim, as oft as -we come with pure, and upright minds to the Sacrament ofthe fup- per wherein he loth feed us through our faith, with his own body and blood, which aremcfl: dainty delicates, above all that can be ei- ther fpoken or conceived. In which fenfe it is faid in the 13. Chap. according to Luke,verf.29. Then /hall they comefrom the Eaft , and --Weft, NorthandSouth and (hall fit at meat in the Kingdom of Clod: That is,men (hall flock and flow together Tinto the -- Gofpel from all coafts,fhall embrace the Doftrine ofthe Kingdom,and fha! be made truly partakers ofChrift,the pledges whereof they fha11 receive,even thebread and wine when they fit downe at his Table incelebrating the holyfwpper: For he fpeaketh of thecalling of the gentiles whole faith,and confentingto the whole truth,he noteth out by this one Sa- cramentall aft ion. Thefe now are the guefrs whom Chrift fhould in- vite, when as the Lewes in the mean time, of whom he intreateth in that parable, fhould quite abhorre the way of falvation,as wee have feen it collie to paffe for many ages. Whether alfo that belongeth, which the Icwes Phut out do alledge in the fame place, when they require entrance for themfelves, becaufe of their ancient familiarity, in eating and drinking in his prefence,verf.26. As if they fhould fay; Lord, bbe have oftencommunicatedat thy Table, We have kept a merry frail- with thee,in eating ofthy Sacrifices,wilt thou nowbolt'up the doors agatnft ne ? For by this reafon the meat of the facrifices (efpecially of the.Pafeover) was the fame to the Icwes, that the bread and w-inc is tour. And yet thefe things are not fo to be taken , as if the joy of the eleft were to be limited, within thebounds of this life; but be- cdufe the fupper which is made upon earth,is a pledge Of the eternal' banquet in the heavens. Thefe words thendo teach , that there is a double, and that a mighty grat bleffing remaining Rill in the Eng- lifh Çhurch ; namely the preaching, of theWord,andthe adminifring, of the Sacraments. Inbothwhich thrift communicateth himfelfe to his tnembers,keeping a mutnall feafa with them,he being firft intertained of us by hearing, and thenhe intertaining us againe with the fupper of