CA r. q.. 4 çvedation o the Apotalypfe. 16; 7 And the firft beaft was like unto a Lyon; and the fe- cond beaft like unto a Calfe, and the third beaft having a face like a Man, and the fourth beaft like a flying Eagle. 8 And the four beafts every one of themby themfelves, had fixwings round about, andwithin were full of eyes, faying day and night without ceafing, Holy, Holy , Holy Loan Gon,that almighty one, which was, and which is, and which is to corne. 9 Andwhen thofc beafts (hall give glory, and honour, and thankfgiving to him that fitteth upen the throne , to him,Ifay,thatliveth for ever and ever. io The four and twenty Elders (hall fall down before him that fitteth upon the throne, and (hall worfhip him that liveth for ever, and (hall caft their crowns before the throne,faying ; Worthy art thou,O Lord, to receiveglory, and ho- nour,and ftrength ; becaufe thou haft created all things, and by thy will they are and have been created. The Analyfis , or Refolutionofthe fourth Chapter. H.,Itherto We havefpokenof the Prophefe ofthe particular Churches. 1 The Prophefie of the Whole Church followeth, the Which doth fir.ft propound the matter fummarily in this Chapter, and then infpeciall,in the rift. This containeth a new calling of John, confifling in the thing that Wasteen, a door opened in heaven, in thefìrfl voice ofthe Trumpet that Was heard, verf, z. end laftly in the effe(1, Whereby he became flraightWaies inthe Spirit, in the beginning of the fecondverfe. efts alfo it containeth an Vniverfall Type of thefuture Church,Which is de- fcribed throughout the Whole Chapter befsdes. The Prince Whereof as it Were the Center, is molt Glorious , by means of his Throne, molt amiable to fee to , gliflering round about With heavenly bri,ht- neffe, verf. 2, 3. Themembers, as it Were the circumference ofthis Center , are the four and tVentie Elders full of Maieffie, Ho- nourable, by reafon of their Thrones , Age, Holineffe, CroWnes of Gold, verf. 4. The things that accompany thefe perfuns, are partly the gifts Which God befloWeth on this holy Company, partly that Worthip Which the company of the faithfnil rendreth backe again unto him. The gifts are, fsrfl, of prote5 ion, Wherebygreatflaßses of lightnins, thumb