Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

164 A (Revelationofthe Apocalypfe. CA P .4. thenders,andvoicescomeforthfrom the throne, for the vengeance ofthe WickedWorld, becaufe oftheir attempts aping the congregationof the Saints, vert. 5. e,4ndafter, that offanitification, Whereby he pre- fenteth this holy Companyvnblameablebefore himfelf, not havingfpot or Wrinekle, or any /uch thing. Among thofe, the internalsare the fe- ven lamps burning before the Throne, verf. 5. The external!, and the infrumentallcaures ofthofe other,are the Sea ofGlaffe; and the Beafts, Whole place, number, eyes oftheir body, the proper vifàge of every of' them, With the adorning of their Wings ,aredescribed, vert, d. 7, 8. Af- ter that, their office, vert 8. NoW the WorJhip Which is performed to him that litteth upon the Throne,is a thanksgiving,wherin theReaftsgo before as the Captains and Standard-bearers of thepublike Affembly, vert. 9; Andafter that, the refs ofthe body of the EldersfolloWeth,both With adoration, vert, ie. As alfo With a confenting unto the fame thanksgivanó, vert, t i. According to that euffom',_after Which God is Worfhipped in the Chriftian Congregations. Such is the company of the Godly before God, andfome fuck company as thisfhould alWaies be ex- tant , though not remarkable of the World,. in every age Withequal! glory. THE EXPOSITION. r. J, Fter that I looked.. The Holy Ghoft having hitherto revea- ]ed thofe things that were to be accomplifhed in a certain short and determinate time , now inlarging thofe bounds , he goeth on to write in a continued order, of Inch things as might offer unto our view a common and perfect portaritnre of the efface of the Church, from the writing of this Book, even unto the laft end. The handling ofwhich things will be admirable , and fuch as cannot be performed, but onely through his helpe, who did at the firft reveal themuntohis fervant. Trufting therefore on the grace of this Al- mighty God, I will go forward in the workwhich I have taken upon me.For theabfolving andperfectingwhereof,howfoever other things requifite {hall be wanting, certainly faithfulneffe and diligence in fearching out matters, fhali not be wanting to the uttermoft of my power. Thefefirfwords belong to a newpreparation for a new Prophetic. For 7ohn is no longer converfant upon earth,but is lift up into heaven it felf,where through a doorthat is opened, 'he be- iholdeth marvellous changes ofmatters, that could not he known by anyother meanes. The condition thereforeof this enfuing prophe- fie is divers fromthe former, That is of a narrow compaffe, even as the