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C A p.4; ,fltevelatioti ofthe Apocalypfe. i 67 alone, Chap. r. i o. And therefore not to have had any interrnif3ion+ after that it once began to be exhibited. Andbehold there Waif a heaven. So muchof the pre- paration by anew calling. -Nowhe cometh to the commonType of theHolyChurch; The defcription whereof was neceffary , before hee fhould fet upon the reft of the Prophecy. For in as much as the manifold chances, and notable changesof it were tobe related, the fleeingof it away, the returnof it againe, the fained friends, the open enemies , the counterfeit, and crafty Apo('tles that fhouldfet forth themfelves under thecolours of the Church, and many other things of the like nature , wherewith it should be forely annoyed, weretobe foretold it was necetfary, that firft of all a certaine por- traiture , and refemblance fhould be drawn of that Church, which toknow is the principali thing in the wholeTreatife following, left that perhaps in fo great troubles and difturbances , wee should ei- ther thinke that it were quiteextinguifihed , or at leaft through igno- rance of her right forme and figure, wee fhould be leflè able to know which is Thee. Wherefore wee (hall fee, that this Type is common to all ages; as whereof mention is made,. Chap. 14. 3. Where the companions and followers of the Lambe, fine a new fang before thefour Teaf#s , and the Elders : And again more near to the eonfummation of thewhole Prophecy , the foure and tWenty Elders, and the foure Beafts fall doWn, and adore c/ed, Chap. 19.4.. So elfewhere, as oft as fpeech is made about the true Church, fo farre forth as any thing is to be done in the publick affembly, it is alwayes noted out according to the manner of this Type.. And yet we mutt .not thinke , that any Congregation on earth is tobe found of filch abfolute purity , and faultlefl'e perfection , as this Church is here prefcribed to be of; but that all the holy Affemblies of the Elee`t are accounted filch in Chrift before God the Father, though much earthly dregs be fprinkled upon , and among them ; according to that : That the Church is fanCtifled by Chril , and purged by the laver of Water through the Word, made also glorious,, neither ha- vingfpot orWrinc/e/e, or anyfilch thing, but being holy, andunblarnea hie, Ephef.5.26,27. An exampleof which defcription,wehave here fet before our eyes; Andbetides, with that intent and purpofe , that according to the fquare hereof,we might conformeall our affedblies, evenas Mofes was commanded infetch manner altogether, to build the Tabernacle, andall the implements thereof as had been fheWed to leim in the Moasnt,Ex.25.9, Butthe Patera of our Church is.fhewed. in