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C A P.4. 47evelation óf the Apoealypfe. 6 may be moil fit images of that delightablencffe , Nvhich pafl'eth all createdunderftanding, efpecially feeing here is a reprefenting of the vertue,rather then of any forme. The firff afpeél ofa IafperJ1one,re- fembleth the perfon of the Father. This gemme is greene, and is not amiffe called the mother of Pearle, there be fo many kinds ofir, and the honour of it is fo ancient. Now what is therethat can more fitly fhadow out theFather among all gemmes,as who is the first in order, of an eternity alt-vay es flourishing, & from whom the reft of the per - fons have their oft=fpring without any begining? The fecond afpect is ofthe Sardine, by which the Sonne is reprefented : This gemme is red with a flefh-colour, whence it is alto called Carnroliu , very a- greeably fet in his roome,that tookeflee, uponhimfor us,and seasmade, man like untoW. The third afpect is of the `ki,inboVo that is of the Emeralds colour, by which the Holy Ghofl isnoted out : This is he that compaffeth the throne on all fides , being one that fitteth by the throne ; Wifd. 9.4. As which doth inviron the whole circuit of the divine Majefty with an unfpeakable fweetne«e. For the Eme- rald doth fhew forth foacceptable , fweete, and shining livelinefle, that the eyes of a man cannot looke upon any thing more willingly. Yet this is no filch Rainbow, as that is,which is commonly fo tearm- ed. For this is not over againft the Throne, but about it : neither is it a circle cut in the middeft, but a wholeone, entireand full on every fide : For it is in the circuit ofthe Throne : Laftly, it is not three-co- loured, as the true Rainbow, but ofone only ; and that a fimple E- meralds colour. Such then is this God, onein nature,three inperfons, being the head and Center of the Church, whom alone, the faithf dl dohonour and reverence; refting with their whole hearts mcft fweetly in his incomprehenfible fweetneffe. 4. And round about the Throne. So much for the head. Now he addeth the body unto it, as being the circumference of this Center; as we have faid; which is defcribed by the place, number ofmembers, age, clothing, and crowns. The place is double, common, about the higheft Throne andproper, the peculiarThrone ofevery one; that that is common about the Throne , is before it, behinde it, on the right fide, on the left fide, fo that he cutteth the Rainbow at the right Angles ( whichdid allocompaffe the Throne) but with acon- trary pofition, above, below,frorn eitherfide. Although theitain- bow femmeth not fo much tobe cut, or once touched ; as to be in- cluded in thiscircuit ofthe Elders, which yet it would cut in the middeft crofl`ewife, if it were inlarged to the full compaffe of it. Un- leffe :