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CA 1' .4. A /0,elatiof ofthe ApocalypCC. 171 lilft ofall the HighPriefs were divided into four and twenty or- ders. In the fame manner the Chief Levites, that miniftred unto thePriefts : In the fame Chapter, verf. i. 3 i. So the Holy Mufici= ans, Chap. 25. And the 'Porters, 'Chap. 26. Of thofe that mini- ftredunto the King, there were four and twenty thoufand in every one of their diviíons, Chap.z7. Seeing therefore the whole com- panyof the childrenof Ifrael ( whither we refped the tribe ofLevi, or the reft ofthe people, that was chofen after a fort, into'the Kings lot, whole bufinefles they difpatched) was diftinguifhed into24.Or- ders, thefe Elders, which arebothFri efs and Kings,and do Rand in Readof all the faithfull that do ferve Chrift, are worthily reckoned up in fo many Orders;and in the fame number. Together alfo with it, we are given to underítand, by this number of four and twenty, howmuch more ample the Church of the Gentiles is, then was that of the yewes. This was contained in the twelve Patriarlkes, as the chiefheads ofit, that is twice fo much greater, that is, greater by many degrees, which this rated proportion doth indefinitely fignifie, in filch manner, exceeding as much in the multitude of Citizens, as if doth allo in the cleerneffe of the things that are known. Whence it was, that byhowmuch neerer they drew to the times of Chrift,by fo much the more were they, beyond allother times;full of light andmagnificence. How much did David beautifie the wor- fhip ofthe Tabernacle, by defcribing the Offices, and affigning to everyone hisown place ? But the Temple of Salomon furpafled all that former glory. All thingswere made of more ample dinìenfi- ons, according to the increafe of light, that grew as the Sun ap- proached neerer. At Taft, when Chiif was manifefted in the flefh, theSungate up tohis highdt Climate, in refpect of whole bright- neffe, all the former light vanithedaway; Somuch for the number. As touching their age, Theyare all elders, not becaufe their ftrength is weakned and °overworne with old age, but becaufe of their reve- rendhoarie haires, and their mature and grave judgements,where- with they imbrace the trueth,ás allo becaufe they have a certain pre- fent poffeffionof their dignity, fuch as is meet for men of perfed age andBayed yeers. Infants,though they be honourable by right of in- heritance , becaufe of their future hope, yet they want the prefent enjoyingof things. And indeed, all the time of the Law, tire-Heir was an infant : Anddiffered nothing from a fervant , being kept in bondage, under the rudiments ofthe World, as it Were under Tutors and fiovernours; but noW after that theful4e ffe of time is come, We are no. A a lonçrr