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8 A Tevélation ofthe Apocalypfc. CAP. I. did very much avayle to the authority of the Prophecy , that men fhould be well perfwaded ofthe authority of him that wrote it. I marvell therefore that Dyonyfius of Alexandria did fo little confi- der of thefe thinge,that he fhould difpute foeagerly againft this. But others have very learnedly confuted his vaine conjcétures. To let him thereforepaffe, hence it may be perceived , that thofe words which Aretas faithare added Bookes, and which we fee to be thruft in by,Piantine , and Montanus out of the Complu- tenfìs Booke, And whatfosver heheard,and Which are, andWhichmuß be doneafter thofe things, have crept in hither untowardly, and not in their properplace. For thingsnever known,have no authority them (elves, much lefhe can they bring any to another. 3. i3leffedis he that readetb : Thus farre the Authors ; The Fruit ofthe Prophecy, is the blefTednefle ofthem that reade, or attend too- thers that read it, iffo be they will obey fuch things that are writen in it. Knowledge and workes are tobejoyned together, yet in that order, that knowledgego before, fo at length (hail we cometo this blefledneffe.- Such fruit cannaword; but only that which is infpired . fromGod,beltow upon men. But who are thofe bleffedones that read? What,are thofe they that (hall be alive in that last three yeers (pace, ,wherein Antichrift ihall rage, immediately before Chrift (Ball come to: judgemenr,as the Papifts dreame? Indeed Francú of Ribera the the Iefuir, thruft his wholeProphecy ahnoft into thefe ftraits, wifely indeed to fave his Popes:tead, butas touching the truth, exceeding perverfy. For why, were men thatlived by the fpace ofthefe F Soo. ''.eeres which are now pail, fence the writingofthe Apocalypfe,alto- gether dcvoyd of thisfelicity ? Orcan any manbe happy, by reading or obferving fuch things, as do nothing at all concerne them ? Ifall shefethings herein,contained be crowded up to that time he drea- methof, they can never furelybe happie. But rather they have been curious to no purpofe nor commodity, who have to this day either fearched out thefc things, or been dilligent to performe things here- incommanded. Which feltfame thing muff needs befall thofe that come after, weknow notfor howmany ages. But the wholeentreat- ing upon this i3ooke, will convince this device to be either extreame falfe, or foolilh. Let us know in the meane time , that fuch fruit is here commended, as is common toall agesfinte this divine Revela- tion came abroad into the world , as-which teacheth the el}ateof e- very age to the ladtend feverally, as (hall be made maniteft bythis expoftion of ours by Cods help. For