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17 velatin ofthe Apocalypfe, C A P.4. fleece of Wool/ that came from Miletum, that Were dyed With a decpe colour, Georg. 4. And againe, a little after that; They all fitting upon their çla[siefìzooles, Were affonifhed. Gill:Tie indeed, but not in refpea ofthe matter, but of the colour and perfpicuity. So writeth Ovid alto : There is a river more bright and Jhining to fee through then anyglafrc, Epiit. Saph. But glafsie in this place, is as much as made of glade, rather declaring a matter that fhineth, fo as one may fee through it,then a colour without matter. For fignifying whereof the other attribute ferveth,likketo Chryfall. It is called then aglafsie Sea, to let us fee the difference ofthis and that Zvi/Sea, the which, beingmade ofBrafre, which is a thick and darke matter,was not able to be pierced thorow with any mans fight, I King.7. 23. The face of God didThine unto his people, but fomewhat obtcurely, under thofe rites and ceremonies, which thingMores alfodeclared : Typutting a vayle on hisface, that the children ofIfrael might notfee into the endof that Which is abolified, a Cor.3. 13. But We all on the contrary, behold the gloryof God as in aglafeWith openface. In thefame place,verfr 8. Therefore their Sea is brazen, and ours ofglade, andgreat is the dig- nity of the Chriftian above that legall one, feeingour worfhip Thew- eth the mot pleafant face of God unto us, as it were, through a moft cleare glaflle. ,HoWamiable are thy Tabernacles ? Cryed the Pfal- mifl in that darkneffe, Pfa1.84. s . But how ought we to beaftonifhed at the mot pleafant countenance ofChrift, the which, together with Peter and thofe tWo brethren, Wefeegrliftering as theSunne, as We may alfofee hisgarment made White as the light ? Matth. 57. r, 2. Oh how happy fhould we be, if we could with fixed eyes fticke fall alwayes in this glatre ? There is indeed a certaine incomprehenfible Majefty of Cod, to be evidently feen in the creature, but this knowledge is com- mon to Reprobates. There is nopower to come by any laying fight of it any where, but onely through this glafsieSea which God bath replenifhed with the mofI pure waters, whereby wee may both know , and alto worfhip him aright ; ofboth which hee hash laid up fuck abundantf'core in this Sea, that there is no need to fetch any thing out of other draines and ditches. And this ought to be the fcope of all worfhip, that it may Phew En- to us the face of God ; the more either doctrine or rites do hin- der our eye-fight in tLais point, the more do both of them erre from the right. The