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178 4. kvel4tson of the Apoatyfe. C F, 4A They are the fervants and Minders ofGcd, whole whole labour is fpent in preaching the Word, and in caring for thofe other things, which belong to the Ecclefiafticall government, For, fat it is plaine that they are men ; for fo they fing together with theElders : Thou haft redeemedus to Godby thy blood, Chapt. 5. q,. Betides, Pee- ing there is a double kinde of men that are redeemed, one of the people, another ofthe Minders, the very .place wherein they ferve; Iheweth, that they areof this fecondorder. For they converfe betweene the Throne, and the Elders that are placed round about it, So that they corneneerer unto God iaimfelfe, and are, as it were, the Ambafladors between both. Moreover, they are the leaders of thepublike aftion, as it is manifeft hereafter, verf. 19. Laftly, they are fo, fathioned in their wings, eyes and whole proportion, that they are able tobe moll fitlyprepared to dif- charge this ftm&ion. Neither are they force of the worthy men of the age paff, but .Minifiers, that are to be hereafter, unto which kinde of things this whole Prophete is applyed, as that of the firft verfe taught us ; I Will f eW theeWhat thin ,smuß come to pap .hereafter. They.arecal-. led beafts, or living creatures, .becaufe ofthat livelyforce of the Spi- rit wherewith they are quickened, and becaufeofthat fpirituall life, which by the help ofGod working with them, they effeef in others. For which caufe the like fervants ofGod,.full ofthe Spirit, and moft fwift and nimble to difpatch any bufineffe enjoyned them by God,are called by this name of living creatures, Ezek. Chap. a. Butif they be ,Miniflers, howfhould I reckon themamong the gifts? Faithfùll Mi- nifters are among the principali gifts of Cod : As he faith, touching the Levites, Behold, I have taken your brethren forth of the middef ofthe childrenofIfrael, they aregiven toyou as agiftfor the Lord.,to do theferviceofthe Tabernacle of the Congregation, Numb. 18. 6. And Paul, Let no man (faith he) glory in men, for all things areyours, both Paul andApollos, and Cephas, allthings (I fay) are )ours, i Cor.3. 21. Butmoft plainly tothe Ephefians; When hee had afcended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men, fume to be Apoffles, fame Euangel s,fume Prophets,form `Palters andTeachers, Chap. 4.8. z r. Thefe'heafts then being thus defined, now let us fee the properties themfelvcs. As touching' the place,they are between the?hrone,andin thecircuit ofit; not in the middeft of ir, in regard of the place, as where hee fate, that is like t©a ?afper, verf. 3. Neither that they did