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CAP. 4, A Ievelationofthe Apocalypfe: the H o L Y G II O S T is fo rude, and fo farre off from being his Crafts Mailer, that he had need have the namewrittenupon every one of his pictures, as if otherwife it could notbe knowne who were the Lion, and the Eagle, and the Man. Thatin thefitft Verfe of this Chapter doth decide this controverfe. what things (faith he) muft bedone afterwards. Which certainly forbiddeth us to looke backe , and to thinke of that which is pail, but biddethus rather to expet fomething to come. They feeme thereforeto be- long tothofe gifts , wherewith every faithfull Minifter was in fome part to be odorned, betides thofe gifts of knowledge. For eyes ought to be common to them all every one ought tobe an able man forknowledge; the reit of the gifts aredive; fe, according as God (hall give them to every one inprivate for the ufe and necefiî. ty of the Church ; though no man canbe quite deftitute ofthe rest of the vertues, who is truly partakerofone ofthem. Whence it is, that Ezekiel afcribeth thefe toure proportions and vifages to every of the Beafts, Chap. i.6. And indeed, thefortitude ofa Lion, thepatience ofOxen, theprss- Jence of a man ; and laft ofall, the Eagle-like contempt of earthly things, ought to be of force in every one ofthem. And yet force proper thing is here applyed to every one feverally, and that not without caufe.Peradventure that thereby the Holy Ghoft might fliew in what vertues the Paftoxrs did chiefly excel!, according to the foute divers feafons wherein they lived. The firft age from Iohx brought forth men that were excellent in all thefe, Chapter 6. r. to the 7. Whole courage nevertheleffe did moft ofall thine forth, as where- by they did both indure and overcome the molt favage cruelty of the Tyrants. The age following after Conftantine yeelded great ftore ofOxen, when the Minifters had their liberty takenaway from them, andevery one even of the bell wasoppreffed under the yoak of Antichrif#, with the luggageand baggageof humane rites. The Çofpell revivingbymeanes ofwicklife and Luther , furnitied the Church with Men , who being ftarke weary of the Romifh fer- vitude, did bothearneftlycall for, and at lift attained to a Chriftian freedome. We doe as yet looke for Eagles to come into the World , which thecalling of the ?ewes (hall at laft bring in , when as the Gofpell (hall be fully reftored and brought tohis due andglifteringbeauty, which this Prophecy following will teachus to beenfuing`fhortly. B b a Then