I74 4' kve/ation ofthe ApocatypÇe.. CAPS. Book as It lay hard by hisGdc,but takes itintohis hand ,out ofthehand ofhim that%ate on the Throne.As touching the purpofe ofthis Vition, to feemed good to the Holy Ghoi after hee hadpourtrayed the true Church in the former Chapter (the which was tobe laid as afounda- tion ofall the building following, before hecame to the fpeciallpre- dictions one byone) to give men a watch-word concerning the in- coinprehenfibleexcellency of this Prophecy. For we are wont (fuch is thedulneffe and untowardneffe ofour nature )topaffe by the great- tell andmolt divine things negligently and carekily, unleffeperhaps there be Tome to pull usby the eare,and to call earnelily for our pains, by telling us ofthe greatneffe of the matter weare about. Lei perhaps this Pelf-fame thing thould befall us in thisplace, he makethus to fee that this Prophecy is fuch,asdothcontain in it all the dangers and ex- tremities which the Church is to undergo throughoutthe whole race thereof upon the earth, and yet that it is inwrapped in fo great ob- fcurìty, that no created mindcanbehold it, no not aloofe, much lefts unfold it unto others. Which is a matter indeed moll worthy to be known, andof all other molt pleafant beyond comparifon, as the whichdoth bring and fhew forthunto us hidden mylleries, fuch as men do exceedingly delire to know, andin Catching whereof they 4hould otherwifeinvain torment themfelves.And yet it is not amat- ter to bedefired after for knowledge fake only, but alto becaufe it containeth events of that moment, that it would be very dolefull and rueful' to the Church tò have them altogether concealed from her. Wherefore john wept being privy to thefe dangers, and with- all confidering that he and the Church were dettitute of a guide to lead them. And indeed the Church doth hardly hold her courfe, though Thee have this cleare Lampe afforded her for her direetion. How miferable then would fhee have been, if Thee had been quite left in darkneffe not knowing any thing futficiently, either whether Thee fhould goe on, or where fhee fhould fafely flay her [ceps? The weeping therefore ofyohn had not been without juft caufe, if there had been no whereäny hope ofunfealing the Booke butthe fudden paffion and violent affaultof_griefs, bereft the Holy manof under. 'landing, and didnot fuffer him to bethinkhimfelfe in whole power . ;t lay to open the Booke, till at length he waxed wife by the adver- tifement of another. This Prophecy therefore is renowned for the worth ofthe matter entreatedon, the eminent nature of the myflery, the pleatifulneffe of the fruit it bringeth, but it is from hence a- love all other refpeds made molt glorious, in that healone is found worthy