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l98 4 evelation of the Apöcalyfe. C A P. 5 andwhereofhe would not informe the Church, as farre as might be for the good of his : For which caufe one ofthe Elder! admenifhing him that he jhould not weep, doth thereby all under one, gently con- vince and reprovehis ignorance,orforgetfulneffe rather ; as ifit were a fhamefùll thing, that he being a Teacher, fhould be ignorant of that which even the common fort of the faithful! ought to know fo well. ;. Leh.ld, he bathprevailed: As if there weremany thatftrove, but one onely obtained the prize beyond the refl. He feemeth to fpeake from the manner of the former Proclamation, whereby the matter was pur, as it were, to a publike combate, wherein Chrift carryed away the chiefs praife, yea, even All in All. That Lyon : A circumlocutory defcription of Chrift, as he is a King, taken out of Genet. 49.9. But what hath a Lyon todoe with feales ? Our firmes did keepe and remove farre away from us all the myfteries ofGod : The which, when as Chrift bath powerfully abo- Iifhed, and bath fubdued our enemiesi as the Devil! and Death for ever,he doth worthily come forthwith this name, as it were, an en- figne ofvictory toobtaine that thingfor us, from, whichour enemies did beforehinder us.. That crime orbranch of David: So doth Theo. Beta reade it very well : For the Hebrew word that fignifics a root, to which the Greeke word for a root anfwereth, is fometimes taken for a plant or ftemme of a tree ; as in Ifa. He rifeth up indeed as a tenderplant before him, and, as it Were, a root out of a dryground, Chapt. 53. z. Now a root doth not rife properlyout ofthe earth, but that which groweth from it, aplant of the root ; but yet this plant is filch an one indeed, as it is alfo the root of David ; namely, theFountaine it felfe, and the Spring head, whence falvation and life idoweth untoDavid fo that nothing could be fpoken more fignificantly, neither hath there ever beene betides any plant of this kinde :_ See. `Pfalm. 110.1. Mattis. 22.43. &e. 6. 1 beheld therefore, and 1. between theThrone: In the middelf of theThrone,as above, Chapt. 4.4. &c. The Lamb is converfant in the midit of the Beaff and the Elders ; namely, in the affembl y of the faithfi ll in the tniddeft oftheChurch. A Lamb f ending as though he had been killed : -TheLamb is defcri- bedby his three-fold office. Thefe words, its one that had beenFilled, belongs to his Priefthood, being eternal!, by reafon of the eternall power and merit ofhis death. The feven homes, Aeclare him tobe a King.