CAP. 5: ;eat etielationof the Apoca ypfe. King. The (even Eyes , ( which are fo many Spirits ) and the tit- king ofthe Boob", do (hew him to be the principal' Prophet. The fcarre of a deadly Wound, is a token that he did fuller death of old, and teacheth us, that the Fathcr doth endow the Church with all things, through the merit, andupon the beholdingofhis death. For this is that whereby our Priefl- having once entred into the Holy of Holies, bath found out an eternal' Redemption , Hebr. 9. 1.2. And that which hath once begot Redemption for the Elea , 'hall it not as well obtain all things for us , whatfoever may any way ferve for our commodity andbehoof ? Thefeven hornet-, are thatfoveraignepower, by which, Chill fit- ting at the right handof the Father, doth rule and govern all things, according to that which he fpake to his Difciples , after he was railed from thedead: All power in heaven and earth is given unto me, Matth.28. i8. This naoft meek Lambe therefore, loth not want thole weapons wherewithhe can crufh and treaddown his enemies, howfoever he feeme in refpedh ofhis great long-fiufferance, not to regard the inju- rieswhich they offer him. Now you may obferve that it is not need- full, that Parables and Similitudes (hould agree in all things, feeing here are (even hornos given to a lambe,contrary to nature,andas many_ eyes. Which eyes are the feven Spirits of God : That is, the gifts of the Spirir,wherewith Chrift doth endue the faithfull. They are fent fromhim, feeing no man can be partaker,no not of the leaft gift, un- leffe hedo freely give it. For God hearethnot fanners , but out of his fulsejfe We all draw: and he being gone to the Father,fendeth the Com- forter to hismembers,Which leadeththem into all truth, Iohn t 6.7,t 3. A vifible tokenwhereof ofold, were the cloven tongues ,fitting like fire upon the Apofiler, and that miraculous gift offpeakino on a fled- den With other tongues, Ad. 2. 3. &c. With .whichpower not onely the Apofiles did fingularly excel!,.. but others alto afterwards that did imbrace the Faith. Neither arc they onely fent into all theearth, to confer upon the Elea the faving knowledge of falvation ; but that Chrift might fearch into all things that are done in his Chnrca, yea that arc done any where elfe in the world. How great impudencie therefore is it, to thruft upon the Church a vifible head, feeing the Lambe is furnif red with fo ma- ny eyes, and doth not carry them as idle about him,but fendeth them out diligently intoall the earth ? The care indeed whichChrift takes ) dothnot takeaway the Mi- nißers,., 199