2e0 Altevelatton ofthe Apocalypfe. C A r.q.; millers, either Ecclefsafficall or civill, which himfelf appointed, but to coyne anddevife a new kinde and order, and that under pretence of Chrifts abfence, is the proper part of that man who is quite over- thwart,and anutter adverfary unto Chrift. As touching the words, fome copies reade, Which thing are, as it is noted in the Greek Bi- bles, fet forthof late at Franck- ford, fo that the relative may be refer- red as well,xo his homes as his eyes. After which manner, Aretar alfò feadeth. And the homes may well be Paid to be Pent into all the earth, in as much as Chrift doth thew, and put forth his power, in relieving of his own, and the deftroying of his enemies. But it dothmore properly agree to the eyes, the which we are faid to calf uponany thing,when we turn them towards it. 7. He came and took the Bookpetofthe right hand of him that fate on the Throne : There is a double confideration ofChrift, one as he is eternal' god, fittingupon the Throne , together with the Father, Chap. 4. 3. Another as he is Mediatour, fervingor attending on the Throne, and ready, and addrefï'edto undertake thofe things which make for the falvationofhis. The like confideration there is ofthe Spirit, who as he is Eternall God, is a partner in the Throne, com- pafling it about, Chap. 4. 3. But as he fanftifyeth the Church with created gifts, is the (even Spirits before the Throne, fever burning Lampe!, feven Hornes, andfevers Eyes. 8. Havingeach of them Harper and golden Vialls : Here is the gratulation and thankfgiving of the Church, for this great benefit of theLambes taking and unfealing the Book. They bring therefore infirments fit for fuch a worke, Harpes andVialls, to wit, praifes and thankfgivings. For the Vialfall of odours, are the hearts of the Saints, which theSpirit hath filled with a burning deLiCe, of calling upon God. TheHarps belong to rejoycing ; and the joy inpray- ers, is the very giving of thanks. Now here is an allufion to the manner ofthe Temple, where the Levites praifed Godwith muficall inftreimcnts, and the Prieftshad Pots and Cups fet before the Altar, full ofodours, Zach. 14.20. Which are the prayers ofthe Saints : Here is nothing to do with offering of prayers for the dead, which are made by thofe that are alive upon the earth,but as we (hewed in the former Chapter, all that which is attributed to the Bea/s ofthe Elders, declareth with what earnefl: ffudies and endeavours the Saints are taken up in the Church Militant. So alfoafterwards, verf. io. AñdWe'hall reign (fay the Elders ) upon thecard,: Where they do not magnifie a Kingdom of finite;