C A P.4. Akvelatton of the Apocalypfc. tot fettles departed, but of the Saints that are alive on the earth. Thcfe mens hearts like golden vialls, do breath out praifes and thanks for thofe exceedinggreat benefits which are purchafedfor us by (brig. If the Elders should offer up the prayers of others onely, es the deftait Both interpret it , then they themfelves fhould be mute in the common joy ofall the Saints. Nay but the benefit is theirs, for they themfelve sjhall raiPne, as they fay ; therefore they do not offer other mens prayers, but theirowne. 9. Andtheyfing anew fong : It is called anew fong,in refpec`t of that more Plentiful! grace miniftred nowafter Chrifts exhibiting in the f efh,then was given of old under the fhadow ofthe Law. The old Fathers did not fo openly,and in fo eleere and notable a manner, found forth thepraifes of the man Chrift, before he took flefh , as the faithful' do now at this day celebrate him, being clad with our nature : whereupon this more eleere preaching is not unworthily cal- led a new fong. But he alludeth to the cuftome of the Law, where by new formes ofthankfgivings ofpurpofe conceived, they did mag- nifie God, for new and more thenordinary benefits : whence it is, that fo often mention is made of a new fong in the Book of the Pfalms. Andhaft redeemedas : The Beafts therefore and the Elders, are men redemed by Chrifts blood. Neither are they force twelve prin- cipali menout of the 'ewes, and as many Chriftians,the twelve Apo- ftics,with the four Evangelifts.For al thisQuire was not chofen out of every Tribe, andTongue,and Pcople,andNation;but out ofthe Nation ofthe Iewes alone; but all the faithful' every where throughout the world are meant by the BeafFs and Elders,as whom univerfally this Holy band pereffed without difference of perfon, out of all the world, may worthily noteout,as we noted at the fourthverfe of the fourth Chapter. Now it is fignificantly fail, out ofevery Tribe, &c. Not all Tribes, tic. Becaufe all are not redeemedby the blood of Chrift,but onely the Elet : as Aretas bath well obferved. to. Andhaft made us unto our god Kings: Certain Copies read them, and this whole verfe in the third Perfon : But Aretas and the vulgar Latine, in the firft perfon. Wehave interpreted there words before. But why do they remember this benefit as a caufe of taking the Book ? Becaufe it is belonging to Chrifts Kingly power, toprevile with God, and to fetch away thofe things from him,which there was no power to comeby before. Wherefore they fing, that they arerxlade Kings unto God: As if they fbould fay, that they are not