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C A P.5. APevelationofthe Apocalypfe. 1-03 whereas no Greek book doth fpeak in favour of that reading. And it mutt needs be, becaufe it feerneth good to the Iefuits to have it fo , that the old Interpreter hath alwaies followed the more cores 'rcfted Copies. I would willingly paffeover fuch things, but that the impudencie ofthe adverfaries did compel' me, at lcaft in a word, to point at them. 13. But even all ehe Creatures.Thewhole Creature triumpheth at this Brophefie,even that which isvoidof reafon,becaufe it Both more from thence underhand moreplainly, that there will be an end to all their labour at length. The which time indeed it expefteth croft defroully, as longing moil exceedingly to be delivered from this yoke ofvanitie, Rom.S.zi.&c. AndWhich are upon the earth. The Greek ie,and. Whichare in the earth, that is, which live in the uppermoll face of the earth, and un- derneath the earth, that is, which lye hid within the bowels of the earth. The whole creature expedeth.a renewing, not onely that which is eminent and apparant abroad,but that alfo which lyeth hid within in feçret. But feeing here, fpeech is had ofcreatures devoyd of reafon ( for he had fpokan beforeof the whole kinde of the rea- fonable.creature ) who could ever have built up Purgatorie from 'hence, but men voide of reafon ? But it may be theyare forced to fill this their PopiYh Parlour withbruit beaf/s for want ofother ghefls. And thofe things that are in the fen, and all things that are in them.; Thevulgar corruptly :And the things that are in theSen,and the things that are in it, [dying ; In the Greek is a change of the gender, by which pèrfons are attributed to things created,by the figure offp eak- ingafter the manner ofmen. SeeTheod: Reza. 14. NoW the four Beafls: The beginning and end ofthe thanks is given to the Church, becaufethis benefit doth chiefly concerne it : Therefore it bath a double thanksgiving;one whereby it goeth before all the reft in praiung God ; Another by which it lingeth together with the Creature rejoycing. Now the four and tWenty Elders,fol- low the condu(i ofthe heafls, as it is wont to be done i. the Church; where the people fpeaketh to God, not fo much in their own words, as in the words of the Miniger, and do' give themfelves wholly to be guided at his command , as torching Religion , and the manner of worfhipging cod, as we have obferved, Chap. 4. 9, lo. &c.