204, oftbeApoeaiypfé: C A P,ßa_ The fxtbCHAP.TE'R'. ° ° reFter I beheld when the Lambe had opened A one ofthe fe-ales, and I heard one ofthe four Beafts faying, as.it were the noife.of thunder,., . Come and fee. 2 Therefore I beheld, andlo there was a white horfe,._ and he that fat on hint had a bowe,and a crown was given unto him,and -he went forth conquering,and that he might, overcome. 3.. And whenhe had opened the fecond fea.I, I heard the fecondBeafl faying, Come and fee. 4 Arid there went out another horfe red,and power was, riven tohim that fat thereon,to take peace from the earth, that they íhouldkill oneanother, and there was givenun- to him a great fword. 5 Andwhen he had opened the thirdPeal , I heard the thirdBeaft faying,Come and fee.Then I beheld,and loe,a blacke horfe was there, and he tkat fat onhim, had balan- ces in his hand. 6 "'And I heard a voice in the midft of the four beafls faying,Ameafure ofwheat for a peny,and three meafures ofBarly for apeny, and wine andoyl hurt thou not. 7 And when he hadopened the fourth Peal, I heard the voice ofthe fourthBeaft, Paying, Comeand fee. 8 And I'looked,and behold apale horfe, and his name that fate onhimwas Death,and -hell followed after it, and power was given unto them, over the fourth part of the earth,tokill with fword,and withhungcr;and with death, and withbeafts ofthe earth. 9 And whenhe had opened the fifth- fc41, I Env under the Altar,the foulesof them that were killed for theWord of Cod, and for the teftirmony which they maintained. to And