Brightman - BS2823 B85 1644

C A pA. t P velatioyrofthe Apócalypíe; toT zo And they cryed with a loude voice faying,how long Lord, which art holyand true, doeft thou not judge and avenge our bled, requiring it ofthem that dwell onthe earth ; t r And long white robes weregiven to every one, and it was faid unto them, that they fhould ref} for ahide while, until' their fellow fervants and their brethren be accom_plifhed, who are to be killedeven as they were. r z And I beheld whenhe had opened the fìxth feal,and loe therewas made a great earthquake, and the.Sunbe- carne blacke as fackcloth ofhair,and the Moone was like blood. r 3 And the Stars ofheaven fell to the earth,asa fig tree eafIeth her green figs, when it is fhaken. of ..a mighty winde. 14 And heaven departed away as a fcrowle when it is rolled, and every mountain and Yle were moved out of their place. 15 And the Kings ofthe earth,and the Peeres, -and the rich men,and the Tribunes,and the mighty men,and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themfelves in defines, and among the rockes ofthe mountains. 16 And faid to themountaines and rockes,rall uponus; and hide us from the pretence of him than fittethon the throne, and from the wrath ofthe Lambe. 17 For the great day of his wrath is come, and who can í}and. The Logicall Refolution of it. SO muchofthe Worthinefe ofthe Prophecy. Theeventsfollow, Which are firff Scales, after that Trumpets, !aft ofallVials. For the Whole ¶Prophecy that remaineth és diflinóatifhed into three notable termes of time,Which contain in them theprincipal)changes that are tofall out in the World, evenuntil the coming. of Chrifl, every one ofWhich, is again dividedinto(even moments, the members of thole three termes, E e 2 fo a