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veImien ofthe Apocaiÿpre. e A r.6. fó'tFlat the Wheat Periodfolio\»ing doth alùvaies aride out ofthe/aft Arti- tle ofthe Period thatgo th before. e.-lt:touching the Seals, there is a certain preparation in each of them,4 áthena Type ofthings to come, RoW the Preparation is partly common, whereby the Lambe dothopen each of them to order, partly, proper to the fourfirfl, Which be¡ides the opening ofthem, hath an invitement to come andfee, by one of tOe four Beafls. TheTypes in this Chapter are f :x, ( for there are fo many feats opened in it) The White Horfe, verfe 2. The Red, verfe 4. The Black, verte S.The Palè,verfc S. The Cry ofthe Soules,verfc 9.1 o, i r. "Vida mighty earthquakeunto the end of the Chapter. THE EXPOSITION. Fter that IbeheldWhen the Lambe opened the firft of the Seals. Now doth the Holy Ghoftt fet upon the events themfelves, which (hall enform us, as touching the interchangeable courfes of the world,fo far as it (hall concern the Church,and thofe fuch as are of any moment, and that to the Taft confummation of all things. A great matter, and exceedingneceflary to be known, but fuch as no mortali eye though never fo (harp-lighted, canpierce into ir. And therefore the fame God,towhom in the beginning, I mademy pray- er, do I now again call upon for help, having by his grace alone, Fnade fome good proceeding thus far. That he would enable me,to fini(hhappily thofe things that remain, who bathgiven me power fo tobegin, as is I truft, agreeingwith his Truth. Thou therefore,moft Holy, andmofl wifeLambe of God, Who onely haft merited to take and to unfealithe Book, andthat not to keep thofeferrets to thyfelfalone, but to comnittniêaite themunto the Church, fofar as might be behooffullfor is ; grant I belied) theefor thy goodneffefake : to me thy moil ten- Worthy fervant, that 1eleerely perceiving thofe thints,Which thefehid- den andclofe kept fealscontain, may in or holy manner, lay thefameopen lento the World,to the edificationof the Chnrch, the ruine of t/4ntichrifl, and theglory Ofthine-ell* rtor oe, Which is to be magnified unto all ages, !Armen. In that we diftinguilh the events into three Rankes, we have the Spirit himfelffor our Author tofollow in fo doing,whoBoth annex the Trumpets to the Seals, and the Vials to the Trumpets, fo that alwaies the Eft ofthat which followeth;arifeth out of the laic of that which goeth before. They therefore do call darke miíles be- fore their owneyes, who do thruff the Seals, the Trumpets, the Vi- als, thefeven Candleflicks alfo, all into one, fo as every one of each faxder do cleave one to another,mutually in an quail degree,as if the Father