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C A P.6.. evelation ofthe Apocalypse. 209 prevailing in that which they intend, then Lyons that follow their prey. The voyce is, as it were, ofThunder, piercing and ffriking far off, fo as it might be heard by many,and a far of; Come, faith he, and fee ; fpeaking unto John, who now bare the perfonof the faithfull people,who fhould likewife beflirred up toobferve.thefe marvellous events : The which is alto common to the three Sea/es following,that this being once faid, may be underffood in the aft. a. Iloolced therefore, and behold a White Horfe. The fiat type is a white Horfe, and his Rider With a BoW, and a CroWne. As touching the Horfe, it is a warlike, and a fwift Beall,. to which goof loth worthily, both here, and elfewhere, compare his owne actions, becaufe they will breake through withgreat courage and fwiftncffei whatfoevermen fhall endoavour to the contrary, Zach.6. The White colour is joyfull and feftivall, ufefull in any notable folemnity : as in the triumphof Diocletian and Maxirnian.After that,(faithPompon. Iztus) the chariot ofthe triumphersfollowed, made ofGold andpretioua Stones, Whichfoure horfes drew, thatfirove in WhitenefeWith thefnoW. But there is a Rider attributed both to this and to the other horfer, that wemay know that they do not range abroad at randome as they liff,but are guided and governed with the reines ofGods providence. Now of what kinde this Rider is, it may eafily be conjeaured by the Analogie of the 8.verfe. For there he is by name deigned, Who fitteth upon thepaleHorfe,whofe name ù Death ; the name thenof this (Who is fo goodly and pleafant to fee to) may be Life or Truth. Now in that he is furnifhed with a BoW anda CroWn, andWent forth con- quering, that he might conquer ; by them is fignified,that an onfet (hall be given a far off, and that a famous viFtory is to be obtained from thence, filch as fhould not vanifh away with the prefent filcceffe,but fhould 1lourifh alike ina future happineffe ; For a BoW is filch a kind of weapon,as withwhich the enemies are ffricken,both aloofe and at hand ; The Crown is an enfigneofviftory, fo that alhthings are joy- full and profperous,both in the Horfeand in the Rider:fo flandeth the interpretation ofthe words, untowhich the-Hiftory doth fa marvel- loufly agree, that no pieture canmorehappily refemblefìis paterne, then the type of this Seal doth referable the flare ofthofe times. Weknow while Trajane was Emperor, after that Iohn had be; taken himfelfe againe into Ephefue outof Tatmos that is, ffraigft- way after theBóoke ofthe Revelation was written,a wofull perfecu- tionwaxed very fierce, which raging untill the foureteenthyeere, was at laff, through the letters of ,Pliny the fecond, theTroconfullof Bithynia, -.